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Partner privacy policy

This policy explains how we comply with legislation and protect the privacy of staff at our partner organisations.

Why we may process your data

If you are a member of a partner organisation of RDS, we may need to process your data through the following operations in order to fulfil our core RDS business processes:

  • From interactions between RDS staff and colleagues of partner organisations through the use of Microsoft Teams and other Office 365 applications.
  • Partner data may be processed in order to successfully update consenting individuals with RDS updates through the MailChimp solutions. 

Our lawful basis for processing your data

RDS processor activities 

In the event that RDS works as a processor on behalf of another public body (e.g., Scottish Government bodies), we will process under the lawful basis of that specific controller (e.g., public task).

The types of personal information we collect

Through interactions with RDS colleagues, we may process the following personal data:

  • Your assigned working email address
  • Your name
  • The date of your contact with RDS
  • Your attendance at RDS held meetings where attendance is recorded, or transcriptions are recorded. 

How your data may be shared

RDS (Research Data Scotland) also retains information about the organisations that provide research data to RDS, and organisations that process data received from data controllers of research data sets. Sources of research data include Scottish Government, National Records of Scotland, Public Health Scotland, Education Scotland as well as other public bodies.

How your personal information is stored

We retain relevant work-based information and communications of individuals from RDS partners in order to satisfy our business operations and ability to effectively collaborate as an organisation. This information will be retained in line with our records management policy and retention schedules and will be reviewed on an annual basis.

Last Updated 22 Jul 2024