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Equalities Protected Characteristics Dataset


The dataset combines population census, hospital admissions and pupil census data to provide a reference dataset with as near to whole population level coverage as possible, and with as up-to-date information as possible, of many of the protected characteristics defined under the Equality Act across Scotland. Please note that at present, this dataset is only available for access requests to deliver a proof of concept of the utility of the dataset. Research Data Scotland staff will work with researchers interested in this dataset to determine whether their study fulfils the requirements of a proof of concept. Further engagement and work on the dataset is planned.

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File name

Adr S Data Acquisition Equalities Metadata 1.0 20231012



Requesting access to this data

This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.

  • Publisher
    National Records of Scotland
  • Contact

Find out how to apply to access this dataset

Synthetic data

Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset. 

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