File name
National Records Of Scotland Nrs Births Data Variables
All Registrations to the National Records of Scotland of live births
A JSON file is available with further technical information. This can include details of variables and data classes contained in the dataset.
Preview of JSON file
{ "required": { "gatewayId": "86", "gatewayPid": "ffa9afba-3b79-427a-b9cd-427ccfdb891d", "issued": "2024-10-08T11:28:22.222Z", "modified": "2024-10-08T11:28:22.222Z", "version": "8.0.0", "revisions": [ { "version": "1.0.0", "url": "" } ] }, "summary": { "abstract": "All Registrations to the National Records of Scotland of live births", "contactPoint": "", "keywords": "Births", "datasetType": "Health and disease", "datasetSubType": "Not applicable", "populationSize": -1, "description": "All Registrations to the National Records of Scotland of live births", "shortTitle": "National Records of Scotland (NRS) - Births Data", "title": "National Records of Scotland (NRS) - Births Data", "publisher": { "name": "Public Health Scotland", "gatewayId": "07" }, "inPipeline": "Not available" }, "coverage": { "spatial": "United Kingdom,Scotland", "typicalAgeRange": "0-4" }, "provenance": { "origin": { "imageContrast": "Not stated" }, "temporal": { "startDate": "1981-01-01T00:00:00Z", "timeLag": "Other", "accrualPeriodicity": "Monthly", "distributionReleaseDate": "2020-08-31T23:00:00Z" } }, "accessibility": { "access": { "deliveryLeadTime": "Not applicable", "jurisdiction": "GB-GBN", "dataController": "National Records Scotland", "dataProcessor": "National Services Scotland", "accessRights": "", "accessService": "Scottish National Safe Haven / Trusted Research Environment:", "accessRequestCost": "", "accessServiceCategory": "TRE/SDE" }, "usage": { "resourceCreator": { "name": "National Records Scotland" } }, "formatAndStandards": { "vocabularyEncodingSchemes": "OTHER", "languages": "en", "formats": "text/csv" } }, "linkage": { "associatedMedia": ";,;" }, "observations": [ { "observedNode": "Events", "measuredValue": 2355051, "observationDate": "2021-01-17T00:00:00Z", "measuredProperty": "count", "disambiguatingDescription": "Births" } ], "tissuesSampleCollection": [ { "materialType": "None/not available" } ] }
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National Records Of Scotland Nrs Births Data Variables
This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.
Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset.