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GP Out of Hours


NHS Boards provide Primary Care OOH services for patients when their registered GP Practice is closed.

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A JSON file is available with further technical information. This can include details of variables and data classes contained in the dataset.

Preview of JSON file

[{"id": "", "description": "The file contains the appointments made for the case.\nThere may be multiple appointment records for a single case.", "name": "APPOINTMENT FILE", "dataElementsCount": 4, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "The appointment date. DateTime format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss", "name": "Booked Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if the patient arrived for their appointment, e.g. DNA, Arrived, Not Arrived, Other", "name": "Arrival Status", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Unique Case Reference ID.", "name": "GUID (Unique Case Reference)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A Y/N flag to identify if the appointment was cancelled.", "name": "Appointment Cancelled", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}, {"id": "", "description": "The file contains the consultations for the case.\nThere may be multiple consultation records for a single case.", "name": "CONSULTATION FILE", "dataElementsCount": 11, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "The description for the location of treatment.", "name": "Location of Treatment Description", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The type of clinician, e.g. Doctor, Nurse.", "name": "Clinician Type", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The type of consultation which has not been mapped into categories.", "name": "Consultation Type (Unmapped)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The type of consultation categorized into groups, e.g. Home visit, Doctor Advice/Nurse Advice.", "name": "Consultation Type (PCEC, HV etc.)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The date time the consultation ended.  \n \nDate Time format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss", "name": "Consultation End Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The date time of the start of the patient\u2019s consultation with the OoH service. This may differ from the Service Contact Start Date Time and relates to any type of consultation, e.g. telephone advice, home visit or face to face in base. \n \nThis is the Date Time the clinician arrives at the patient\u2019s home if the Consultation Type is Home \nVisit.  \n \nDate Time format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss", "name": "Consultaion Start Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "National GMC code for the clinician who saw the patient.", "name": "GMC Number", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Unique Case Reference ID. The GUID can be used to identify a consultation. \n \nFormat: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "name": "Consultation GUID", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A number used by users to identify a case on their OoH system. \n \nThis number is not unique within the dataset and will need to be used in combination with other data items, e.g. Service Contact Start Date, Location of Treatment.", "name": "Case Number", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Unique Case Reference ID. The GUID can be used to uniquely identify a case. Format: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "name": "GUID (Unique Case Reference)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The code for the location of treatment.  \n \nThis is not a National code. The description associated with a code may vary between NHS Boards.", "name": "Location of Treatment", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}, {"id": "", "description": "The file contains the diagnosis for the case.\nThere may be multiple diagnosis records for a single case.", "name": "DIAGNOSIS FILE", "dataElementsCount": 3, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "The description for the diagnosis Read code.", "name": "Diagnosis Description", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Unique Case Reference ID.", "name": "GUID (Unique Case Reference)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The diagnosis Read code.", "name": "Diagnosis Code", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}, {"id": "", "description": "The file will be at case level, i.e. a record will include data associated with a patient\u2019s single \nencounter (service contact) with the OoH service. A patient can have multiple submissions\nin a file", "name": "MASTER FILE", "dataElementsCount": 29, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "The priority of the treatment determined to be required after assessment, e.g. Routine, 1 hour max response.", "name": "Priority after Assessment", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The source of the referral to the OoH service, which has not been mapped into categories.", "name": "Referral Source (unmapped)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The location the patient was referred to from the OoH Service, which has not been mapped into categories.", "name": "Location Referred to Type unmapped", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A unique call reference number assigned by NHS 24 which will be on records where the patient was referred to the OoH service by NHS 24.", "name": "Call ID (NHS24)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A Y/N flag to indicate if the patient gave permission to access their emergency care summary (ECS).", "name": "ECS Consent Given (Y/N)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The national GP Practice code for the practice the patient is registered with.", "name": "GP Practice", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The organisation which triaged the patient at reception, e.g. NHS 24, OoH Centre Staff, Other. \n \nWhere the NHS 24 Outcome code is UNT1 the Triaged By value will be NHS 24 Untriaged.", "name": "Triaged By", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Identifies patient\u2019s registration status with their GP Practice, e.g. Registered, Unregistered (INT).", "name": "GP Practice Registration Type", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The NHS Board cipher for the NHS Board of Treatment.  \n \nThis is included in the file extract because it cannot be derived from location of treatment.", "name": "NHS Board of Treatment", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A number used by users to identify a case on their OoH system. This number is not unique within the dataset and will need to be used in combination with other data items, e.g. Service Contact Start Date, Location of Treatment.", "name": "Case Number", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The priority of the treatment given at triage, e.g. Routine, 1 hour max response. This may have been assigned by NHS24 or by OoH Centre staff (as per Triaged by data item).", "name": "Priority on Reception", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The postcode of the location the patient became unwell at. This may differ from the postcode of residence.", "name": "Current Postcode", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The first forename of the patient.  \n \nThe patient forename will include spaces. Only information before the first space will be used to ensure that the name is in the correct format for CHI seeding.", "name": "Patient Forename", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The information handover process, e.g. Email, Fax, Phone, Print, from the OoH service to another NHS healthcare provider.", "name": "Method of Handover", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A Y/N flag to indicate if the patient has given consent for the details of their contact with NHS 24/OoH service to be sent to their GP.", "name": "GP Consent Given (Y/N)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A Y/N flag to indicate if the KIS was accessed.", "name": "KIS Accessed (Y/N)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The source of the referral to the OoH service categorized into groups, e.g. A&E, HCP, Patient is caller.", "name": "Referal Source", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The priority of the treatment determined to be required after the treatment has been completed, e.g. Routine, 1 hour max response.", "name": "Priority on Completion", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Unique Case Reference ID. The GUID can be used to uniquely identify a case. Format: 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000", "name": "GUID (Unique Case Reference)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The date time the vehicle was dispatched for a home visit.  \n \nDate Time format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss", "name": "Home Visit Dispatch Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The surname of the patient. \n \nRequired for CHI seeding.", "name": "Patient Surname", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s postcode of residence.  \n \nThis will be used to derive the NHS Board of residence where a valid CHI number is not available.", "name": "Postcode of Residence", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s full date of birth. \n \nFormat: YYYYMMDD  \n \nDate of Birth will be used for CHI seeding and will be used to derive age where a valid CHI number is not available.", "name": "Date of Birth", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The date time the patient first came into contact with the OoH service.   \n \nDate Time format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss", "name": "Service Contact Start Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Unique patient identifier for Scottish residents. If the CHI number is 9 digits it will be left zero padded.", "name": "CHI Number", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A Y/N flag to indicate if the ECS was accessed.", "name": "ECS Accessed (Y/N)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A Y/N flag to indicate if the ECS was accessed by a Health Care Professional at the OoH service.", "name": "ECS Accessed by HCP (Y/N)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The date time an email was sent to the patient\u2019s GP Practice to advise that they had contacted NHS 24/OoH service.  \n \nThis will only be completed if the email was sent successfully. It cannot be used to determine if/when the email was actually received by the GP Practice.  \n \nDate Time format: YYYYMMDDhhmmss", "name": "GP Practice emailed Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s gender, e.g. 1 = Male, 2 = Female.", "name": "Gender", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}, {"id": "", "description": "The file contains the outcome of the case.\nThere may be multiple outcome records for a single case.", "name": "OUTCOME FILE", "dataElementsCount": 2, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "Unique Case Reference ID.", "name": "GUID (Unique Case Reference)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The outcome which has not been mapped into categories.  This may be free text.", "name": "Consultation Outcome", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}, {"id": "", "description": "The file contains the prescriptions made for the case.\nThere may be multiple prescription records for a single case and multiple records for a single drug prescribed", "name": "PRESCRIPTION FILE", "dataElementsCount": 5, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "Unique Case Reference ID.", "name": "GUID (Unique Case Reference)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The reference ID for the prescription.", "name": "Prescirption GUID", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The name of the drug.", "name": "Drug Name", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The BNF code of the drug at paragraph level. Format:", "name": "BNF Code", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A Y/N flag to indicate if the drug was prescribed from stock.", "name": "Prescribed from Stock (Y/N)", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}]

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    National Services Scotland
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Key Details

  • Activity that generated the dataset
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  • Creator
  • Documentation
    NHS Boards provide Primary Care OOH services for patients when their registered GP Practice is closed. Scottish Government commissioned the National Services Scotland now Public Health Scotland to develop and introduce a dataset to collect information on GP Out of Hours patients across Scotland. National data collection began in April 2014. Data on patients seen by GP Out of Hours (OOH) services across Scotland are collected and maintained by PHS in the national data warehouse known as the GP OOH datamart. Data is collected on local IT system (Adastra), then extracted and submitted to the DataMart on a weekly basis.
  • End time period of data covered by this dataset
    No information available
  • Formal release or publication date
  • Geographic Area
  • Landing page
  • Language
  • Provenance
    No information available
  • Start time period of data covered by this dataset
  • The dataset type
  • Theme/category
    No information available
  • Update frequency

Versions and updates

  • A description of the differences between this version and a previous version of the dataset
    No information available
  • The most recent data on which the dataset was changed or modified
    No information available
  • Version
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Further details

  • A related dataset from which this dataset is derived
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  • Other identifiers
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  • Qualified attribution
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  • Qualified relation
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  • Sample distribution of the dataset
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  • The minimum spacial separation resolvable in the dataset, measured in meters
    No information available
  • The minimum time period resolvable in the dataset
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