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Unscheduled Care Data Mart


The data mart links data from (NHS 24, Scottish Ambulance Service, Out of Hours Primary Care, Emergency Department, Acute, Mental Health and Deaths) to show a Continuous Unscheduled Care Pathway (CUP) for records with a valid CHI number.

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[{"id": "", "description": "NHS24 Data in UCD Datamart", "name": "NHS24 Data in UCD Datamart", "dataElementsCount": 18, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "Patient\u2019s surname.", "name": "Family Name", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Free text field describing the initial reason for the call.", "name": "Call Reason", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Patient\u2019s forename.", "name": "Given Name", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Outcome of Call (NHS 24 IH) A code to identify the outcome of the call, i.e. where the patient was advised to go to/contact.  A one-off reference file will be provided to populate the reference table, which will include the code, description and grouping.", "name": "Disposition ID", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Diagnosis The final algorithm title, which is a free text field detailing the indicator of patient\u2019s present symptoms.", "name": "Protocol Title", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Where the patient has given consent for their data to be transferred to GP systems Yes/No/Partial", "name": "Data transfer consent", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The date time the call was received by NHS 24", "name": "Call Received Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A unique call reference number assigned by NHS 24.", "name": "Call ID", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Health Board of Treatment (NHS 24 OOH) The Health Board area which dealt with the call during the Out of Hours period (including Public Holidays and PLT). A reference file will be provided containing the character field and description.", "name": "Service Provider", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Health Board of Treatment (NHS 24 IH) The code of the Health Board area which dealt with the call.   Note: the Partner Area Code field is selected by the member of staff who received the call and is dependent on the individual\u2019s geographic knowledge.  Validation carried out on the Partner Area Code over all records in 2010 shows a 98% accuracy level. A reference file will be provided containing the character field and description.", "name": "Partner Area Code", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The type of call. Only Clinical and Dental calls will be included.", "name": "Call Type", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Patient\u2019s current gender (Male, Female, Unknown).", "name": "Gender", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The location of the patient at the time of the call, which may not be their home postcode.", "name": "Postcode", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Outcome of Call (NHS 24 OOH) A code describing the action NHS 24 has recommended if the call was made out of hours (including Public Holidays and Protected Learning Time).  A one-off reference file will be provided to populate the reference table, which will include the code, description and grouping. Null will be defaulted to \u2018No Outcome Code\u2019.", "name": "Outcome Code", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The Date/Time the call was closed.  Note: the data item was referred to as the first time the call was completed because it is possible that the patient may call again and their original Call ID will be reopened. Only a single record will be submitted for each Call ID.", "name": "Date/Time call Completed", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Patient\u2019s birth date. The time component will be removed during file processing.", "name": "DOB", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Where the call has originated from e.g. SAS (Cat 'C'), Other A reference list will be provided.  Null will be defaulted to \u2018General NHS 24 Call\u2019", "name": "Call Origin", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Patient's CHI number. The CHI number will be zero padded.", "name": "CHI Number", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}, {"id": "", "description": "Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS) Data in UCD Datamart", "name": "SAS Data in UCD Datamart", "dataElementsCount": 61, "dataElements": [{"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s verbal response rating on the Glasgow Coma Scale, e.g. incomprehensible.", "name": "GCS Verbal Response", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The geographical sub division areas, e.g. Argyll and Clyde, Fife.  N/A will be nulled.", "name": "Sub Division", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The gender of the patient, i.e. Male, Female.", "name": "Gender", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Presenting Complaint - the initial diagnosis code recorded by the EMDC, e.g. 33C02.", "name": "Despatch Code", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A number to uniquely identify the incident within the EMDC.", "name": "Incident No", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The type of journey undertaken by a resource, e.g.", "name": "Journey Type", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The reason the call was stopped recorded by the crew, e.g. Admission, Inter-Hospital Transfer. Dealt with by other vehicle.", "name": "Clear Reason Desc", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if the call was associated with amphetamine abuse.", "name": "Amphetamine", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s age.", "name": "Patient Age", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The postcode of the location of the Incident.", "name": "Full Postcode", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The surname of the patient.", "name": "Patient Surname", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s respiratory rate.", "name": "Respiratory Rate", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s pulse rate.", "name": "Pulse Rate", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The Date Time a resource left the scene of an incident.", "name": "Resource Left Scene Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if the call was associated with inhalant abuse.", "name": "Inhalant", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if the call was associated with ecstasy abuse.", "name": "Ecstasy", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s CHI number.", "name": "Patient CHI Number", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s eye opening rating on the Glasgow Coma Scale, e.g. spontaneous.", "name": "GCS Eye Opening", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if the call was associated with barbiturate abuse.", "name": "Barbiturate", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The type of call, i.e. Emergency, Urgent or Routine.", "name": "Call Type", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The measure of the patient\u2019s oxygen saturation.", "name": "SPO2", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s Glasgow Coma Scale score (a number between 3 and 15).", "name": "GCS Total", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The Date Time a resource arrived at the scene of an incident.", "name": "Resource Arrived Scene Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A number to uniquely identify a patient at resource incident level. If multiple resources are allocated to one incident the same patient could be seen by more than one resource but may be allocated different patient numbers.", "name": "Patient No", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The Date Time the call was taken by the EMDC.", "name": "Call Started Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if the call was associated with cocaine abuse.", "name": "Cocaine", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The emergency call category, e.g. Cat A Call. N/A will be submitted for urgent and routine calls, i.e. non-emergency calls.", "name": "Call Category", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The northing of the location of the incident.", "name": "Incident Northing", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if IV Fluids was used as a Circulation Treatment.", "name": "Circulation Treatment IV Fluids", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The Date Time a resource arrived at its destination, e.g. hospital, care home.", "name": "Resource Arrived Destination Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Presenting Complaint Group \u2013 the grouping of the initial diagnosis code.", "name": "Chief Complaint Group", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The easting of the location of the incident.", "name": "Incident Easting", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The name of the hospital the patient was taken to for treatment entered by the crew.  The list of hospitals is not stable so a reference file cannot be provided.", "name": "Receiving Hospital", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s temperature.", "name": "Temperature", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Allocated Hospital - the name of the hospital the patient was allocated to be taken to by the EMDC based upon the geography of the incident. The list of hospitals is not stable so a reference file cannot be provided.", "name": "To Hospital", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The Date Time a resource was cleared to be available to attend another incident.", "name": "Resource Cleared Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if the call was associated with cannabis abuse.", "name": "Cannabis", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A freetext field to describe the other substance the call may have been associated with.", "name": "Other Substance Description", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The forename of the patient.", "name": "Patient Forename", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The call centre based upon the incident location and not the centre that took the call. Paisley Control Area is to be mapped to Cardonald Control Area. N/A will be nulled.", "name": "EMDC", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if an IV Cannula was used as a Circulation Treatment.", "name": "Circulation Treatment IV Cannula", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if the call was associated with opiate abuse.", "name": "Opiate", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if there was a doctor at the scene.", "name": "Doctor In Attendance", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s motor response rating on the Glasgow Coma Scale, e.g. Extension to Pain.", "name": "GCS Motor Response", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The Date Time a resource was allocated to attend an incident.", "name": "Resource Allocated Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Diagnosis - the diagnosis code recorded by the paramedic after treating the patient.", "name": "Final AMPDS Code", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if the second crew member was a paramedic.", "name": "Crew Member 2 Paramedic status", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s date of birth.", "name": "DOB", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s AVPU score, i.e. Alert, Voice, Pain, Unresponsive.", "name": "AVPU", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s Systolic blood pressure.", "name": "BP Systolic", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s Scottish Early Warning System score (from 0 to 18).", "name": "SEWS", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The patient\u2019s postcode at the time of the incident.", "name": "Patient Postcode", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if the first crew member was a paramedic.", "name": "Crew Member 1 Paramedic status", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The reason the call was stopped recorded by the EMDC, e.g. Not required good intent.", "name": "Call Stopped Reason", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The Date Time a resource was mobilized to attend an incident.", "name": "Resource Mobilised Date Time", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A number to uniquely identify a resource, e.g. ED456. All callsigns were changed in April 2011 which may impact on callsign counts.", "name": "Callsign", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Type of vehicle of a callsign, e.g. Accident and Emergency. The asterisk submitted at the end of the file name will be removed during processing.", "name": "Resource Type", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "The method of call, e.g. Police, Fire Service, Coastguard, NHS24 etc. Hosptial will be corrected to Hospital during the file processing.  Unknown and N/A will be nulled.", "name": "Method of Call", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if the call was associated with alcohol abuse.", "name": "Alcohol", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "A freetext field indicating the ECG Choice, e.g. NSR.", "name": "ECG Choice", "type": "PrimitiveType"}, {"id": "", "description": "Indicates if there were police at the scene.", "name": "Police In Attendance", "type": "PrimitiveType"}]}]

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    Public Health Scotland / National Records Scotland / Scottish Ambulance Service / NHS 24
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Key Details

  • Activity that generated the dataset
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  • Creator
  • Documentation
    The Unscheduled Care Data Mart (UCD) is a collaboration between Public Health Scotland (PHS), NHS 24 and Scottish Ambulance Service (SAS). The data mart links data from (NHS 24, Scottish Ambulance Service, Out of Hours Primary Care, Emergency Department, Acute, Mental Health and Deaths) to show a patient journey for records with a valid CHI number. This data will help understand the full patient journey through emergency and urgent care services e.g. from first contact by telephone with NHS 24, transport by ambulance to an A&E department and then emergency hospital admission. PROVISIONAL DATA: NHS24/SAS SUBMITTED DAILY. A&E DATA (MONTHLY). INPATIENT ADMISSIONS (MONTHLY)
  • End time period of data covered by this dataset
    No information available
  • Formal release or publication date
  • Geographic Area
  • Landing page
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  • Provenance
    No information available
  • Start time period of data covered by this dataset
  • The dataset type
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    No information available
  • Update frequency

Versions and updates

  • A description of the differences between this version and a previous version of the dataset
    No information available
  • The most recent data on which the dataset was changed or modified
    No information available
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Further details

  • A related dataset from which this dataset is derived
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  • Other identifiers
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  • Sample distribution of the dataset
    No information available
  • The minimum spacial separation resolvable in the dataset, measured in meters
    No information available
  • The minimum time period resolvable in the dataset
    No information available