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Scottish Stillbirth and Infant Death Survey
The Scottish Stillbirth and Infant Death Survey (SSBIDS) collects additional information on stillbirths, neonatal deaths and late fetal deaths.
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A JSON file is available with further technical information. This can include details of variables and data classes contained in the dataset.
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{ "linkage": { "associatedMedia": "" }, "summary": { "title": "Scottish Stillbirth and Infant Death Survey", "abstract": "The Scottish Stillbirth and Infant Death Survey (SSBIDS) collects additional information on stillbirths, neonatal deaths and late fetal deaths.", "keywords": "Stillbirths;,;Neonatal Deaths", "publisher": { "name": "Public Health Scotland", "gatewayId": "c40be7ce-f0ca-4fd8-b63c-0632593d2507" }, "inPipeline": "Not available", "shortTitle": "Scottish Stillbirth and Infant Death Survey", "datasetType": "Health and disease", "description": "In later years, information on certain congenital anomalies occurring in live births, stillbirths, miscarriages and terminations had also been included. In 2011, a more detailed data collection form was used and a new system for classifying the cause of death was introduced. The quality and completeness of information improved and causes of death reflected modern practice and knowledge.", "contactPoint": "", "datasetSubType": "Not applicable", "populationSize": -1 }, "coverage": { "spatial": "United Kingdom,Scotland", "followUp": "Other", "typicalAgeRange": "0-4" }, "required": { "issued": "2024-10-08T11:28:20.676173Z", "version": "11.0.0", "modified": "2024-10-08T11:28:20.676186Z", "gatewayId": "80", "revisions": [ { "url": "", "version": "1.0.0" } ], "gatewayPid": "11153fe6-c74a-44e5-b368-abbb204e2108" }, "provenance": { "origin": { "source": "Paper-based", "purpose": "Audit", "imageContrast": "Not stated", "collectionSituation": "Secondary care - In-patients" }, "temporal": { "endDate": "2012-12-31", "timeLag": "Not applicable", "startDate": "1985-01-01", "accrualPeriodicity": "Annual", "distributionReleaseDate": "2020-09-01" } }, "observations": [ { "observedNode": "Events", "measuredValue": 21249, "observationDate": "2021-01-17", "measuredProperty": "count", "disambiguatingDescription": "Records (1985-2012). Stillbirths, early neonatal deaths and late neonatal deaths, although depending on the year of coverage, some post-neonatal deaths may be recorded, as well as some miscarriages and terminations of pregnancy." } ], "accessibility": { "usage": { "resourceCreator": { "name": "Healthcare Improvement Scotland" }, "dataUseLimitation": "Research use only", "dataUseRequirement": "Institution-specific restrictions;,;Not for profit use;,;Publication required" }, "access": { "accessRights": "", "jurisdiction": "GB-GBN", "accessService": "Scottish National Safe Haven / Trusted Research Environment:", "dataProcessor": "Public Health Scotland", "dataController": "Public Health Scotland", "deliveryLeadTime": "Not applicable", "accessRequestCost": "", "accessServiceCategory": "TRE/SDE" }, "formatAndStandards": { "formats": "text/csv", "languages": "en", "vocabularyEncodingSchemes": "ICD10;,;ICD9" } }, "structuralMetadata": [ { "name": "2012 PNND", "columns": [ { "name": "q1_11a_part_age_unk", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "partner_age_unknown" } ], "description": "2012 Post Neonatal death" }, { "name": "2012 PNND", "columns": [ { "name": "scsimd2012quintile", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "SIMD 2012 Scotland level population-weighted quintile (1=most deprived; 5=least deprived)" } ], "description": "2012 Post Neonatal death" }, { "name": "2012 PNND", "columns": [ { "name": "q3.6b_other", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "factors_infection_other" } ], "description": "2012 Post Neonatal death" }, { "name": "2012 PNND", "columns": [ { "name": "q4.2h_midw", "dataType": "Scale", "sensitive": false, "description": "Midwife" } ], "description": "2012 Post Neonatal death" }, { "name": "2012 PNND", "columns": [ { "name": "q1_21_gp_post", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "mothers_gp_pcode" } ], "description": "2012 Post Neonatal death" }, { "name": "2012 PNND", "columns": [ { 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"columns": [ { "name": "q3_1_preexist_con", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "pre_existing_conditions" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q11.1e_mus", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "musculo skeletal system" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q15_2b_other2", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "main_cause maternal and fetal factors 3" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q10.8f_chrv", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "Chronic villitis" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q4.5b_del", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "delivery_location_booking_place" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q10.4k_oth", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "Other" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q15_4c_nnd_other_code2", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "nnd other code 3" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q8_4b_death_place_code", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "<none>" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q10.2d_ecl", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "Eclampsia" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q4.3_mul", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "multi_preg_onset" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q10.13_main", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "main_cause of death" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q11.3c_pul", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "Pulmonary hypoplasia" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q12_2_pm_who", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "pm_who_offered" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "hbres", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "Health Board of residence cipher (prior to 1st April 2006)" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q8_6_transfer", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "baby_transferred_afterB" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q1_11b_part_nopart", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "partner_no partner" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q8_3_ICU", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "baby_admitted_NNU" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q10.6f_cho", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "Chorioamnionitis" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "detailcodcode", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "main cause of death code for all cases" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "oa91", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "1991 census output area" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" }, { "name": "2012 LFD SB NND", "columns": [ { "name": "q5_9_CS_type", "dataType": "Nominal", "sensitive": false, "description": "cs_type" } ], "description": "2012 Late foetal death, still birth and neo natal deaths" } ] }
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Additional information
Geographic AreaScotland
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Requesting access to this data
This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.
PublisherPublic Health Scotland
Synthetic data
Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset.
Key Details
Formal release or publication date01/09/2020
Start time period of data covered by this dataset01/01/1985
End time period of data covered by this dataset31/12/2012
DocumentationIn later years, information on certain congenital anomalies occurring in live births, stillbirths, miscarriages and terminations had also been included. In 2011, a more detailed data collection form was used and a new system for classifying the cause of death was introduced. The quality and completeness of information improved and causes of death reflected modern practice and knowledge.
Geographic AreaUnited Kingdom,Scotland
Landing page
The dataset typePHYSICAL
Update frequencyannual