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SICSAG Daily (Scottish Intensive Care Audit Group)
The Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group (SICSAG) has maintained a national database of patients admitted to adult general Intensive Care Units (ICU) in Scotland since 1995. Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care.
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{ "linkage": { "associatedMedia": "" }, "summary": { "title": "SICSAG Daily (Scottish Intensive Care Audit Group)", "abstract": "The Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group (SICSAG) has maintained a national database of patients admitted to adult general Intensive Care Units (ICU) in Scotland since 1995. Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care.", "keywords": "Intensive Care", "publisher": { "name": "Public Health Scotland", "gatewayId": "c40be7ce-f0ca-4fd8-b63c-0632593d2507" }, "inPipeline": "Not available", "shortTitle": "SICSAG Daily (Scottish Intensive Care Audit Group)", "datasetType": "Health and disease", "description": "Each episode will consist of one or more days stay in critical care - a one to many relationship", "contactPoint": "", "datasetSubType": "Not applicable", "populationSize": -1 }, "coverage": { "pathway": "Only intensive care data", "spatial": "United Kingdom,Scotland", "followUp": "Other", "typicalAgeRange": "0-150" }, "required": { "issued": "2024-10-08T11:28:17.199516Z", "version": "6.0.0", "modified": "2024-10-08T11:28:17.199533Z", "gatewayId": "62", "revisions": [ { "url": "", "version": "1.0.0" } ], "gatewayPid": "1ed26c9c-8e92-46ce-81c6-c52f900af030" }, "provenance": { "origin": { "source": "EPR", "purpose": "Administrative", "imageContrast": "Not stated", "collectionSituation": "Secondary care - In-patients" }, "temporal": { "timeLag": "1-2 weeks", "startDate": "2019-01-01", "accrualPeriodicity": "Weekly", "distributionReleaseDate": "2020-11-24" } }, "observations": [ { "observedNode": "Events", "measuredValue": 328413, "observationDate": "2021-01-20", "measuredProperty": "count", "disambiguatingDescription": "days of critical care" } ], "accessibility": { "usage": { "resourceCreator": { "name": "Public Health Scotland and Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group" }, "dataUseLimitation": "General research use", "dataUseRequirement": "Collaboration required;,;Institution-specific restrictions" }, "access": { "accessRights": "", "jurisdiction": "GB-GBN", "accessService": "Scottish National Safe Haven / Trusted Research Environment:", "dataProcessor": "Public Health Scotland", "dataController": "Public Health Scotland", "deliveryLeadTime": "Not applicable", "accessRequestCost": "", "accessServiceCategory": "TRE/SDE" }, "formatAndStandards": { "formats": "text/csv", "languages": "en", "vocabularyEncodingSchemes": "OTHER" } }, "structuralMetadata": [ { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "PulCath", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Pulmonary artery flotation catheter (version 0 only)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Haemofilt", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Heamofiltration/dialysis" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Non_Invasive_Ventilation", "dataType": "Integer", "sensitive": false, "description": "1/0." } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "OthCOMoni", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Other cardiac output monitoring (version 0 only)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Level3Day", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Care on level 3" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Complex_Dressing", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Complex dressings (e.g. large skin areas) (version 203 only)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "EndoTube", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Endotracheal tube" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "ICPMoni", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Invasive neuro monitoring" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Ventilator", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Connected to a ventilator" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "ManageFifty", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "O2 50% or more" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Level1Day", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Care on level 1" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "PSEUDO-ANONYMISED ID NUMBER", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "pseudo-anonymised id number" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Tracheo", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Tracheostomy" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "CNSdepr", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "CNS depression/seizures" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Multi_Dressings", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Multiple trauma dressings used (version 203 only)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Major_Rashes", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Major skin rashes or burns (version 203 only)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Multiple_IV_VA", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Multiple vasoactive and/or antiarrhythmics (version 203 only)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Advanced_Ventilation_derived", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "This is advanced ventilation as per the usual clinical definition. \nIt is 1 where ‘ventilator’ = 1 but also either ‘Trache’ or ‘Endotube’ are 1. \n(The ‘ventilator’ field is 1 sometimes when a patient is just on a mask and this is not classed as ‘advanced ventilation'.)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "ParNutr", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Parental nutrition" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "CO_type", "dataType": "VARCHAR2", "sensitive": false, "description": "Type of cardiac output monitoring (version 203 only)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "COMoni", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Cardiac output monitoring (version 203 only)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Level2Day", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Care on level 2" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "HFNO", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "High flow nasal oxygen administered at some point today (Y/N)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "EntNutr", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Enteral nutrition" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "PotDet", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Potential for deteriorating" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "AirwayNil", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "No airway management" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "RecExtub", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Recently extubated/airway control uncertain" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "CVPline", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Central venous catheter" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "ACPDate", "dataType": "DATE", "sensitive": false, "description": "ACP date" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "ManageCPAP", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "CPAP" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "RegAnalges", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Other regional analgesic therapy" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "id", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "id number to link the episode level data with the daily data." } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "ManageNil", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Nil" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Aline", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Arterial line" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Neuro_OneToOne", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "One to one nursing due to agitation or epilepsy (version 203 only)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "HAI_Status", "dataType": "VARCHAR2", "sensitive": false, "description": "Please confirm the status of the infection suspected" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "ManageLFifty", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "O2 less than 50%" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Epidural", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Epidural analgesia" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Single_IV_VA", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "One vasoactive and/or antiarrhythmic (version 203 only)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Suspected_HAI", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "X-Ray for VAP, or sample sent for suspected CVC/BSI (Y/N)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Inotrope", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Inotropes/vasopressors (version 0 only)" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "FaceMask", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Mask/Cannulae" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "Hypovo", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Hypovolaemia" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "NeedVent", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "Potential need for ventilation" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "GenObs", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "General observation/monitoring" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." }, { "name": "SICSAG Daily", "columns": [ { "name": "no", "dataType": "NUMERIC", "sensitive": false, "description": "no" } ], "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care." } ] }
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Additional information
Geographic AreaScotland
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Requesting access to this data
This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.
PublisherPublic Health Scotland
Synthetic data
Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset.
Key Details
Formal release or publication date24/11/2020
Start time period of data covered by this dataset01/01/2019
End time period of data covered by this datasetNo information available
DocumentationEach episode will consist of one or more days stay in critical care - a one to many relationship
Geographic AreaUnited Kingdom,Scotland
Landing page
The dataset typePHYSICAL
Update frequencyweekly