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SICSAG Daily (Scottish Intensive Care Audit Group)


The Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group (SICSAG) has maintained a national database of patients admitted to adult general Intensive Care Units (ICU) in Scotland since 1995. Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care.

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Technical information

A JSON file is available with further technical information. This can include details of variables and data classes contained in the dataset.

Preview of JSON file

  "linkage": {
    "associatedMedia": ""
  "summary": {
    "title": "SICSAG Daily (Scottish Intensive Care Audit Group)",
    "abstract": "The Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group (SICSAG) has maintained a national database of patients admitted to adult general Intensive Care Units (ICU) in Scotland since 1995. Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care.",
    "keywords": "Intensive Care",
    "publisher": {
      "name": "Public Health Scotland",
      "gatewayId": "c40be7ce-f0ca-4fd8-b63c-0632593d2507"
    "inPipeline": "Not available",
    "shortTitle": "SICSAG Daily (Scottish Intensive Care Audit Group)",
    "datasetType": "Health and disease",
    "description": "Each episode will consist of one or more days stay in critical care - a one to many relationship",
    "contactPoint": "",
    "datasetSubType": "Not applicable",
    "populationSize": -1
  "coverage": {
    "pathway": "Only intensive care data",
    "spatial": "United Kingdom,Scotland",
    "followUp": "Other",
    "typicalAgeRange": "0-150"
  "required": {
    "issued": "2024-10-08T11:28:17.199516Z",
    "version": "6.0.0",
    "modified": "2024-10-08T11:28:17.199533Z",
    "gatewayId": "62",
    "revisions": [
        "url": "",
        "version": "1.0.0"
    "gatewayPid": "1ed26c9c-8e92-46ce-81c6-c52f900af030"
  "provenance": {
    "origin": {
      "source": "EPR",
      "purpose": "Administrative",
      "imageContrast": "Not stated",
      "collectionSituation": "Secondary care - In-patients"
    "temporal": {
      "timeLag": "1-2 weeks",
      "startDate": "2019-01-01",
      "accrualPeriodicity": "Weekly",
      "distributionReleaseDate": "2020-11-24"
  "observations": [
      "observedNode": "Events",
      "measuredValue": 328413,
      "observationDate": "2021-01-20",
      "measuredProperty": "count",
      "disambiguatingDescription": "days of critical care"
  "accessibility": {
    "usage": {
      "resourceCreator": {
        "name": "Public Health Scotland and Scottish Intensive Care Society Audit Group"
      "dataUseLimitation": "General research use",
      "dataUseRequirement": "Collaboration required;,;Institution-specific restrictions"
    "access": {
      "accessRights": "",
      "jurisdiction": "GB-GBN",
      "accessService": "Scottish National Safe Haven / Trusted Research Environment:",
      "dataProcessor": "Public Health Scotland",
      "dataController": "Public Health Scotland",
      "deliveryLeadTime": "Not applicable",
      "accessRequestCost": "",
      "accessServiceCategory": "TRE/SDE"
    "formatAndStandards": {
      "formats": "text/csv",
      "languages": "en",
      "vocabularyEncodingSchemes": "OTHER"
  "structuralMetadata": [
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "PulCath",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Pulmonary artery flotation catheter (version 0 only)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Haemofilt",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Heamofiltration/dialysis"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Non_Invasive_Ventilation",
          "dataType": "Integer",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "1/0."
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "OthCOMoni",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Other cardiac output monitoring (version 0 only)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Level3Day",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Care on level 3"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Complex_Dressing",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Complex dressings (e.g. large skin areas) (version 203 only)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "EndoTube",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Endotracheal tube"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "ICPMoni",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Invasive neuro monitoring"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Ventilator",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Connected to a ventilator"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "ManageFifty",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "O2 50% or more"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Level1Day",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Care on level 1"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "PSEUDO-ANONYMISED ID NUMBER",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "pseudo-anonymised id number"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Tracheo",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Tracheostomy"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "CNSdepr",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "CNS depression/seizures"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Multi_Dressings",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Multiple trauma dressings used (version 203 only)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Major_Rashes",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Major skin rashes or burns (version 203 only)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Multiple_IV_VA",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Multiple vasoactive and/or antiarrhythmics (version 203 only)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Advanced_Ventilation_derived",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This is advanced ventilation as per the usual clinical definition. \nIt is 1 where ‘ventilator’ = 1 but also either ‘Trache’ or ‘Endotube’ are 1. \n(The ‘ventilator’ field is 1 sometimes when a patient is just on a mask and this is not classed as ‘advanced ventilation'.)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "ParNutr",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Parental nutrition"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "CO_type",
          "dataType": "VARCHAR2",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Type of cardiac output monitoring (version 203 only)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "COMoni",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Cardiac output monitoring (version 203 only)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Level2Day",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Care on level 2"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "HFNO",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "High flow nasal oxygen administered at some point today (Y/N)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "EntNutr",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Enteral nutrition"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "PotDet",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Potential for deteriorating"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "AirwayNil",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "No airway management"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "RecExtub",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Recently extubated/airway control uncertain"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "CVPline",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Central venous catheter"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "ACPDate",
          "dataType": "DATE",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "ACP date"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "ManageCPAP",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "CPAP"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "RegAnalges",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Other regional analgesic therapy"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "id",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "id number to link the episode level data with the daily data."
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "ManageNil",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Nil"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Aline",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Arterial line"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Neuro_OneToOne",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "One to one nursing due to agitation or epilepsy (version 203 only)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "HAI_Status",
          "dataType": "VARCHAR2",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Please confirm the status of the infection suspected"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "ManageLFifty",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "O2 less than 50%"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Epidural",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Epidural analgesia"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Single_IV_VA",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "One vasoactive and/or antiarrhythmic (version 203 only)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Suspected_HAI",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "X-Ray for VAP,  or sample sent for suspected CVC/BSI (Y/N)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Inotrope",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Inotropes/vasopressors (version 0 only)"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "FaceMask",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Mask/Cannulae"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Hypovo",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Hypovolaemia"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "NeedVent",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Potential need for ventilation"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "GenObs",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "General observation/monitoring"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."
      "name": "SICSAG Daily",
      "columns": [
          "name": "no",
          "dataType": "NUMERIC",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "no"
      "description": "Each line relates to a day of stay in critical care."

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Additional information

  • Documentation
  • Language
  • Geographic Area

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Requesting access to this data

This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.

  • Publisher
    Public Health Scotland
  • Contact

Find out how to apply to access this dataset

Synthetic data

Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset. 

Key Details

  • Formal release or publication date
  • Start time period of data covered by this dataset
  • End time period of data covered by this dataset
    No information available
  • Documentation
    Each episode will consist of one or more days stay in critical care - a one to many relationship
  • Geographic Area
    United Kingdom,Scotland
  • Landing page
  • Language
  • The dataset type
  • Update frequency