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Deaths - National Records of Scotland
Nationally curated data for Scotland showing the date and cause(s) of death.
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{ "linkage": { "associatedMedia": ";,;" }, "summary": { "title": "Deaths - National Records of Scotland", "abstract": "Nationally curated data for Scotland showing the date and cause(s) of death.", "keywords": "DataLoch;,;NRS;,;SIMD;,;Cause of Death", "publisher": { "name": "DataLoch", "gatewayId": "6853e904-ed51-448b-b78d-55dee6d1a40f" }, "inPipeline": "Not available", "shortTitle": "Deaths - National Records of Scotland", "datasetType": "Health and disease", "description": "Cause of death data from National Records Scotland (NRS, formerly General Registrar Office (GRO) including ICD-9/ICD-10 codes. Cause of death records are subject to change potentially long after the date of death.", "contactPoint": "", "datasetSubType": "Not applicable", "populationSize": -1 }, "coverage": { "spatial": "United Kingdom,Scotland", "followUp": "Other", "typicalAgeRange": "0-150" }, "required": { "issued": "2024-10-08T11:32:04.305711Z", "version": "1.0.0", "modified": "2024-10-08T11:32:04.30572Z", "gatewayId": "811", "revisions": [ { "url": "", "version": "1.0.0" } ], "gatewayPid": "7d452164-3fa8-4a11-b3ef-ed9ab9e732e8" }, "provenance": { "origin": { "source": "Other", "purpose": "Administrative", "imageContrast": "Not stated", "collectionSituation": "Other" }, "temporal": { "timeLag": "1-2 months", "startDate": "1979-01-01", "accrualPeriodicity": "Monthly" } }, "accessibility": { "usage": { "resourceCreator": { "name": "National Records of Scotland" }, "dataUseLimitation": "Project-specific restrictions" }, "access": { "accessRights": "", "jurisdiction": "GB-SCT", "accessService": "", "dataProcessor": "University of Edinburgh", "dataController": "National Records of Scotland, NHS Lothian", "deliveryLeadTime": "Not applicable", "accessRequestCost": "" }, "formatAndStandards": { "formats": "text/csv", "languages": "en", "vocabularyEncodingSchemes": "ICD10" } } }
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Geographic AreaScotland
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Requesting access to this data
This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.
Key Details
Formal release or publication dateNo information available
Start time period of data covered by this dataset01/01/1979
End time period of data covered by this datasetNo information available
DocumentationCause of death data from National Records Scotland (NRS, formerly General Registrar Office (GRO) including ICD-9/ICD-10 codes. Cause of death records are subject to change potentially long after the date of death.
Geographic AreaUnited Kingdom, Scotland
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The dataset typePHYSICAL
Update frequencymonthly