File name
General Acute Inpatient And Day Case Scottish Morbidity Record Smr01 Variables
The General / Acute and Inpatient Day Case dataset (SMR01) collects episode level data on hospital inpatient and day case discharges from acute specialities from hospitals in Scotland.
A JSON file is available with further technical information. This can include details of variables and data classes contained in the dataset.
Preview of JSON file
{ "required": { "gatewayId": "74", "gatewayPid": "00640fcb-79ff-4f6d-a2c5-fd80d9cfd39c", "issued": "2024-10-08T11:28:19.592Z", "modified": "2024-10-08T11:28:19.592Z", "version": "12.0.0", "revisions": [ { "version": "12.0.0", "url": "" } ] }, "summary": { "abstract": "The General / Acute and Inpatient Day Case dataset (SMR01) collects episode level data on hospital inpatient and day case discharges from acute specialities from hospitals in Scotland.", "contactPoint": "", "keywords": "Inpatients;,;Day Case", "datasetType": "Health and disease", "datasetSubType": "Not applicable", "populationSize": -1, "description": "The dataset contains patient identifiers such as name, date of birth, Community Health Index number, NHS number, postcode and ethnicity and episode management data. Of particular interest to researchers would be variables such as where the episode took place, admission type (includes patient injury classifications such as self-inflicted or home accident), waiting times, patients condition (as classified under ICD-10), operations, and discharge location. A wide variety of geographical data is also included in the dataset including Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation and Carstairs measures, census output area, NHS Board, Electoral Ward and Parliamentary constituency.", "shortTitle": "General Acute Inpatient and Day Case - Scottish Morbidity Record (SMR01)", "title": "General Acute Inpatient and Day Case - Scottish Morbidity Record (SMR01)", "publisher": { "name": "Public Health Scotland", "gatewayId": "07" }, "inPipeline": "Not available" }, "coverage": { "pathway": "All of secondary care in relation to general acute inpatient and day cases.", "spatial": "United Kingdom, Scotland", "followUp": "Other", "typicalAgeRange": "0-150", "datasetCompleteness": "" }, "provenance": { "origin": { "purpose": "Care", "source": "EPR", "collectionSituation": "Secondary care - In-patients", "imageContrast": "Not stated" }, "temporal": { "startDate": "1981-01-01T00:00:00Z", "timeLag": "1-2 months", "accrualPeriodicity": "Monthly", "distributionReleaseDate": "2024-10-14T23:00:00Z" } }, "accessibility": { "access": { "deliveryLeadTime": "Not applicable", "jurisdiction": "GB-GBN", "dataController": "Public Health Scotland", "dataProcessor": "National Services Scotland", "accessRights": "", "accessService": "Scottish National Safe Haven / Trusted Research Environment:", "accessRequestCost": "", "accessServiceCategory": "TRE/SDE" }, "usage": { "dataUseLimitation": "General research use", "dataUseRequirement": "Institution-specific restrictions;,;Not for profit use", "resourceCreator": { "name": "None" } }, "formatAndStandards": { "vocabularyEncodingSchemes": "NHS SCOTLAND NATIONAL CODES", "conformsTo": "NHS SCOTLAND DATA DICTIONARY", "languages": "en", "formats": "text;,;csv" } }, "linkage": { "associatedMedia": " ," }, "structuralMetadata": [ { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "DOB", "dataType": "Date (ddmmyy)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Date of birth" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "AGE_IN_YEARS", "dataType": "INTEGER", "sensitive": false, "description": "Age" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "AGE_IN_MONTHS", "dataType": "INTEGER", "sensitive": false, "description": "Age in months" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "SEX", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "1 = male, 2 = female" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "ETHNIC_GROUP", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": true, "description": "Ethnic Group" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "ADMISSION_DATE", "dataType": "Date", "sensitive": false, "description": "Date of admission" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "ADMISSION_TYPE", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "Inpatient Admission - This is categorised as an emergency, urgent or routine inpatient admission. The appropriate admission category depends on the clinical condition of the patient as assessed by the receiving consultant. The patient may or may not be on a waiting list." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "ADMISSION_REASON", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "Admission reason indicates the general reason why a patient is admitted for inpatient or day case care." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "ADMISSION_TRANSFER_FROM", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": true, "description": "Indicates the source of admission, or type of location from which a patient has been admitted." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_DATE", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "Date of discharge" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_TYPE", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "Discharge type indicates whether a discharge from an inpatient or day case episode is regular, irregular (e.g. self-discharge) or as a result of the patient's death." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_TRANSFER_TO", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "Gives the type of location to which a patient is discharged following an episode of care." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "SPECIALTY", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "Specialty where this episode took place" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "SIGNIFICANT_FACILITY", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "Significant facility where this episode took place. A Significant facility is a clinical facility which is of interest for clinical and/or contracting reasons." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "MAIN_CONDITION", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "This item should be seen as describing the main medical (or social) condition managed/investigated during the patient's stay." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "OTHER_CONDITION_1", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "In addition to the main condition, the record should, whenever possible, also list separately other conditions or problems dealt with during the episode of health care. Other conditions are defined as those conditions that co-exist or develop during the episode of healthcare and affect the management of the patient.\nConditions related to an earlier episode that have no bearing on the current episode should not be recorded." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "OTHER_CONDITION_2", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "As above" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "OTHER_CONDITION_3", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "As above" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "OTHER_CONDITION_4", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "As above" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "OTHER_CONDITION_5", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "As above" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "MAIN_OPERATION", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "The main operation is that selected by the clinician responsible for the care of the patient. An operation should be recorded if there is a code for it in OPCS4. Therapeutic procedures take precedence over diagnostic ones." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "OTHER_OPERATION_1", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "Other operation entered in the order specified by the clinician." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "OTHER_OPERATION_2", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "As above" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "OTHER_OPERATION_3", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "As above" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "DATE_OF_MAIN_OPERATION", "dataType": "Date (ddmmyy)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Date of main operation" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "DATE_OF_OTHER_OPERATION_1", "dataType": "Date (ddmmyy)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Date of other operation 1" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "DATE_OF_OTHER_OPERATION_2", "dataType": "Date (ddmmyy)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Date of other operation 2" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "DATE_OF_OTHER_OPERATION_3", "dataType": "Date (ddmmyy)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Date of other operation 3" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "INPATIENT_DAYCASE_IDENTIFIER", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "Inpatient / Day case flag" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "LENGTH_OF_STAY", "dataType": "INTEGER", "sensitive": false, "description": "Length of stay in days" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "GLS_CIS_MARKER", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "A continuous inpatient stay is an unbroken period of time that a patient spends as an inpatient, all episodes within the same stay will have the same CIS number. A patient may change consultant, significant facility, specialty and/or hospital during a continuous inpatient stay" } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "HBRES_CURRENTDATE", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "Patient's NHS Scotland Health Board of Residence according to HB configuration as at current date." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "HBTREAT_CURRENTDATE", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "NHS Scotland Health Board where treatment took place according to configuration as at current date." } ] }, { "name": "SMR01", "columns": [ { "name": "LOCATION", "dataType": "Characters", "sensitive": false, "description": "This is the reference number of any building or set of buildings where the event took place." } ] } ], "tissuesSampleCollection": [ { "materialType": "None/not available" } ] }
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General Acute Inpatient And Day Case Scottish Morbidity Record Smr01 Variables
This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.
Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset.