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SAS(Scottish Ambulance Service) Hypoglycemic


This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.

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Technical information

A JSON file is available with further technical information. This can include details of variables and data classes contained in the dataset.

Preview of JSON file

  "summary": {
    "title": "SAS(Scottish Ambulance Service) Hypoglycemic",
    "abstract": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.",
    "keywords": "SAS;,;Scottish Ambulance Service;,;Hypoglycaemia;,;HIC;,;SCOTLAND",
    "publisher": {
      "name": "Health Informatics Centre - University of Dundee",
      "gatewayId": "5baa31c1-0280-4482-b8b7-a4953869f184"
    "inPipeline": "Not available",
    "shortTitle": "SAS(Scottish Ambulance Service) Hypoglycemic",
    "datasetType": "Health and disease",
    "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.\nThis may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients. \nData is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December.",
    "contactPoint": "",
    "datasetSubType": "Not applicable",
    "populationSize": 22300
  "coverage": {
    "pathway": "Secondary care records for Tayside and Fife",
    "spatial": "United Kingdom,Scotland",
    "followUp": "Unknown",
    "typicalAgeRange": "0-150"
  "required": {
    "issued": "2024-10-08T11:28:31.008188Z",
    "version": "1.0.0",
    "modified": "2024-10-08T11:28:31.0082Z",
    "gatewayId": "118",
    "revisions": [
        "url": "",
        "version": "1.0.0"
    "gatewayPid": "3d706816-b282-44b2-874a-ad6b383f43c7"
  "provenance": {
    "origin": {
      "source": "Other",
      "purpose": "Other",
      "imageContrast": "Not stated",
      "collectionSituation": "Other"
    "temporal": {
      "timeLag": "Not applicable",
      "startDate": "2008-01-01",
      "accrualPeriodicity": "Continuous",
      "distributionReleaseDate": "2022-05-25"
  "observations": [
      "observedNode": "Persons",
      "measuredValue": 22300,
      "observationDate": "2022-05-25",
      "measuredProperty": "COUNT",
      "disambiguatingDescription": "22,300 persons in the dataset"
      "observedNode": "Events",
      "measuredValue": 223579,
      "observationDate": "2022-05-25",
      "measuredProperty": "Count",
      "disambiguatingDescription": "223,579 events in this datset"
  "accessibility": {
    "usage": {
      "resourceCreator": {
        "name": "NHS Scotland"
      "dataUseLimitation": "General research use",
      "dataUseRequirement": "Disclosure control"
    "access": {
      "accessRights": "",
      "jurisdiction": "GB-SCT;,;GB-GBN",
      "accessService": "HIC has implemented a remote-access Trusted Research Environment to protect data confidentiality, satisfy public concerns about data loss and reassure Data Controllers about HIC’s secure management and processing of their data.\n\nData is not released externally to data users for analysis on their own computers but placed on a server at HIC, within a restricted, secure IT environment, where the data user is given secure remote access to carry out their analysis.\n\nFull details are available via the following link:\n",
      "dataProcessor": "University of Dundee, Health Informatics Centre",
      "dataController": "Local NHS boards",
      "deliveryLeadTime": "Not applicable",
      "accessRequestCost": "Quotation available on request",
      "accessServiceCategory": "TRE/SDE"
    "formatAndStandards": {
      "formats": "Database",
      "languages": "en",
      "vocabularyEncodingSchemes": "LOCAL"
  "structuralMetadata": [
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "PROCHI",
          "dataType": "varchar(10)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Anonymised patient identifier"
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "CallStartedDate",
          "dataType": "date",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the date of call."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "DispatchCode",
          "dataType": "varchar(255)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the dispatch code."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "DispatchCode_Desc",
          "dataType": "varchar(255)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field is the lookup value for Dispatch Code."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "FinalAmpdsCode",
          "dataType": "varchar(255)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the final Advanced Medical Priority Dispatch System (Ampds) code."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "FinalAmpds_Desc",
          "dataType": "varchar(255)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field is the descriptive value of FinalAmpdsCode."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "VitalSignsVersion",
          "dataType": "int",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the vital signs version number."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "PulseRate",
          "dataType": "int",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the pulse rate."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "CapRefillRate",
          "dataType": "varchar(50)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents Capillary refill rate and is defined by either <  2 seconds or > 2 seconds.."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "RespiratoryRate",
          "dataType": "int",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the repiratory rate."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "BpSystolic",
          "dataType": "int",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the systolic blood pressure."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "BpDiastolic",
          "dataType": "int",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the diastolic blood pressure."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "PeakFlowRate",
          "dataType": "varchar(255)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the peak expiratory flow rate."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "BloodGlucose",
          "dataType": "varchar(50)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the blood sugar level on day of visit.."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Temperature",
          "dataType": "varchar(50)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the temperature.."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Spo2",
          "dataType": "float",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents Peripheral capillary oxygen saturation (SpO2)."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Drugs_Gases_Version",
          "dataType": "int",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the drug/ gas version number."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Name_Drug_Gas_Given",
          "dataType": "varchar(255)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the drug/gas name."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "Dose_Drug_Gas_Given",
          "dataType": "varchar(255)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the drug/gas dosage."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "CallStoppedReason",
          "dataType": "varchar(255)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the reason the call ended.."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "hic_dataLoadRunID",
          "dataType": "int",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "The data load batch that loaded this record, this will be null if the data was not loaded through the RDMP framework.."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "UniqueNumber",
          "dataType": "int",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field is a unique patient reference number and is anonymised on extraction."
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "ObservationTime",
          "dataType": "time",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "No Column Description Available"
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "ConveyanceToHospitalFlag",
          "dataType": "varchar(5)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "No Column Description Available"
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "C3CallNumber",
          "dataType": "bigint",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "No Column Description Available"
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "CLRDiagnosticCode",
          "dataType": "varchar(50)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "No Column Description Available"
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "CLRDiagnosticSubcode",
          "dataType": "varchar(100)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "No Column Description Available"
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "DrugDosage",
          "dataType": "varchar(15)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "No Column Description Available"
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."
      "name": "SASHypoglycaemic",
      "columns": [
          "name": "DrugUnits",
          "dataType": "varchar(10)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "No Column Description Available"
      "description": "This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland.  This may be CHI'ed to determine HB residency of patients.   Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December."

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Additional information

  • Documentation
  • Language
  • Geographic Area

Related resources

No information available

Requesting access to this data

This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.

  • Publisher
    Health Informatics Centre - University of Dundee
  • Contact

Find out how to apply to access this dataset

Synthetic data

Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset. 

Key Details

  • Formal release or publication date
  • Start time period of data covered by this dataset
  • End time period of data covered by this dataset
    No information available
  • Documentation
    This data set contains Hypoglycemic Events and is provided for the whole of Scotland. This may be CHI"ed to determine HB residency of patients. Data is refreshed every 6 months and routine uploads are July and December.
  • Geographic Area
    United Kingdom,Scotland
  • Landing page
  • Language
  • The dataset type
  • Update frequency