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Tayside Pathology


Tayside Pathology containing details from pathological samples and biopsy including diagnosis codes. This data originates from Ninewells Pathmanager.

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Technical information

A JSON file is available with further technical information. This can include details of variables and data classes contained in the dataset.

Preview of JSON file

  "summary": {
    "title": "Tayside Pathology",
    "abstract": "Tayside Pathology containing details from pathological samples and biopsy including diagnosis codes. This data originates from Ninewells Pathmanager.",
    "keywords": "Pathology;,;Tayside;,;NHS;,;HIC;,;Scotland",
    "publisher": {
      "name": "Health Informatics Centre - University of Dundee",
      "gatewayId": "5baa31c1-0280-4482-b8b7-a4953869f184"
    "inPipeline": "Not available",
    "shortTitle": "Tayside Pathology",
    "datasetType": "Health and disease",
    "contactPoint": "",
    "datasetSubType": "Not applicable",
    "populationSize": 330000
  "coverage": {
    "spatial": "United Kingdom,Scotland,Tayside Region",
    "followUp": "Unknown",
    "typicalAgeRange": "0-150"
  "required": {
    "issued": "2024-10-08T11:28:28.550522Z",
    "version": "6.0.0",
    "modified": "2024-10-08T11:28:28.550535Z",
    "gatewayId": "105",
    "revisions": [
        "url": "",
        "version": "1.0.0"
    "gatewayPid": "2c7b21be-504d-407c-8dca-880ce391fe94"
  "provenance": {
    "origin": {
      "source": "LIMS",
      "purpose": "Care",
      "imageContrast": "Not stated",
      "collectionSituation": "Services"
    "temporal": {
      "timeLag": "Not applicable",
      "startDate": "1992-01-02",
      "accrualPeriodicity": "Irregular",
      "distributionReleaseDate": "2021-09-03"
  "observations": [
      "observedNode": "Persons",
      "measuredValue": 330000,
      "observationDate": "2021-09-03",
      "measuredProperty": "COUNT",
      "disambiguatingDescription": "330,000 patients present in dataset"
      "observedNode": "Events",
      "measuredValue": 846000,
      "observationDate": "2021-11-11",
      "measuredProperty": "Count",
      "disambiguatingDescription": "846,000 records in dataset"
  "accessibility": {
    "usage": {
      "resourceCreator": {
        "name": "NHS Tayside"
      "dataUseLimitation": "General research use",
      "dataUseRequirement": "Disclosure control"
    "access": {
      "accessRights": "",
      "jurisdiction": "GB-SCT",
      "accessService": "HIC has implemented a remote-access Trusted Research Environment to protect data confidentiality, satisfy public concerns about data loss and reassure Data Controllers about HIC’s secure management and processing of their data.\n\nData is not released externally to data users for analysis on their own computers but placed on a server at HIC, within a restricted, secure IT environment, where the data user is given secure remote access to carry out their analysis.\n\nFull details are available via the following link:\n",
      "dataProcessor": "University of Dundee, Health Informatics Centre",
      "dataController": "NHS Tayside",
      "deliveryLeadTime": "Not applicable",
      "accessRequestCost": "Quotation available on request",
      "accessServiceCategory": "TRE/SDE"
    "formatAndStandards": {
      "formats": "CSV;,;Database",
      "languages": "en",
      "vocabularyEncodingSchemes": "LOCAL"
  "structuralMetadata": [
      "name": "Pathology (Tayside)",
      "columns": [
          "name": "DepartmentCode",
          "dataType": "varchar(2)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "A code that identifies the department.   Separate departments in Ninewells (NS – Ninewells Surgical, NC – Ninewells Cytology, PS – PRI Surgical and PC – PRI Cytology) until they combined in 2005 when the PS and PC codes were retired.."
      "description": "Pathology Data from Ninewells Pathmanager.  Data covers legacy 1992 until present.    Routine updates data received qtrly. However, these are 12months behind real-time. The delay is because further tests and analysis can be requested on a sample, these are generally made withn 12mths of the original sample date. The 12mnths delay reduces the risk that a sample is used in a project, that is subsequently changed/updated."
      "name": "Pathology (Tayside)",
      "columns": [
          "name": "ANOSpecimenNumber",
          "dataType": "varchar(10)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the anonymised specimen number."
      "description": "Pathology Data from Ninewells Pathmanager.  Data covers legacy 1992 until present.    Routine updates data received qtrly. However, these are 12months behind real-time. The delay is because further tests and analysis can be requested on a sample, these are generally made withn 12mths of the original sample date. The 12mnths delay reduces the risk that a sample is used in a project, that is subsequently changed/updated."
      "name": "Pathology (Tayside)",
      "columns": [
          "name": "PROCHI",
          "dataType": "varchar(10)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "Anonymised patient identifier"
      "description": "Pathology Data from Ninewells Pathmanager.  Data covers legacy 1992 until present.    Routine updates data received qtrly. However, these are 12months behind real-time. The delay is because further tests and analysis can be requested on a sample, these are generally made withn 12mths of the original sample date. The 12mnths delay reduces the risk that a sample is used in a project, that is subsequently changed/updated."
      "name": "Pathology (Tayside)",
      "columns": [
          "name": "DateofSpecimen",
          "dataType": "datetime",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the date of the procedure that produced the specimen."
      "description": "Pathology Data from Ninewells Pathmanager.  Data covers legacy 1992 until present.    Routine updates data received qtrly. However, these are 12months behind real-time. The delay is because further tests and analysis can be requested on a sample, these are generally made withn 12mths of the original sample date. The 12mnths delay reduces the risk that a sample is used in a project, that is subsequently changed/updated."
      "name": "Pathology (Tayside)",
      "columns": [
          "name": "DateofReceipt",
          "dataType": "datetime",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field up until the beginning of 2016, reflected the date that the request was booked into the LIMS. From 2016 onwards, it is the date that the request was received in the department.."
      "description": "Pathology Data from Ninewells Pathmanager.  Data covers legacy 1992 until present.    Routine updates data received qtrly. However, these are 12months behind real-time. The delay is because further tests and analysis can be requested on a sample, these are generally made withn 12mths of the original sample date. The 12mnths delay reduces the risk that a sample is used in a project, that is subsequently changed/updated."
      "name": "Pathology (Tayside)",
      "columns": [
          "name": "DateBookedIn",
          "dataType": "datetime",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents  the date that the request is booked into the LIMS. Up until the end of 2015, this field will be identical to the Date Received field. From the beginning of 2016, it may differ.."
      "description": "Pathology Data from Ninewells Pathmanager.  Data covers legacy 1992 until present.    Routine updates data received qtrly. However, these are 12months behind real-time. The delay is because further tests and analysis can be requested on a sample, these are generally made withn 12mths of the original sample date. The 12mnths delay reduces the risk that a sample is used in a project, that is subsequently changed/updated."
      "name": "Pathology (Tayside)",
      "columns": [
          "name": "DateAuthorised",
          "dataType": "datetime",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the date of the first authorisation of a report for the request."
      "description": "Pathology Data from Ninewells Pathmanager.  Data covers legacy 1992 until present.    Routine updates data received qtrly. However, these are 12months behind real-time. The delay is because further tests and analysis can be requested on a sample, these are generally made withn 12mths of the original sample date. The 12mnths delay reduces the risk that a sample is used in a project, that is subsequently changed/updated."
      "name": "Pathology (Tayside)",
      "columns": [
          "name": "DateLastAuthorised",
          "dataType": "datetime",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the date of the most recent authorisation of a report for the request. In the majority of the cases, this will be identical to the date authorised. Where the date differs, it is most likely to be caused by the production of a supplementary report with more information, very occasionally because the report has been amended to correct or clarify information, or sometimes for administration purposes and there will be no obvious change to the data."
      "description": "Pathology Data from Ninewells Pathmanager.  Data covers legacy 1992 until present.    Routine updates data received qtrly. However, these are 12months behind real-time. The delay is because further tests and analysis can be requested on a sample, these are generally made withn 12mths of the original sample date. The 12mnths delay reduces the risk that a sample is used in a project, that is subsequently changed/updated."
      "name": "Pathology (Tayside)",
      "columns": [
          "name": "AllSpecimenTypeCodes",
          "dataType": "varchar(max)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "The specimens field has an entry for each request can comprise a number of specimens. This field contains the codes of each of the specimens based on our attempt to best describe the tissue sent in.."
      "description": "Pathology Data from Ninewells Pathmanager.  Data covers legacy 1992 until present.    Routine updates data received qtrly. However, these are 12months behind real-time. The delay is because further tests and analysis can be requested on a sample, these are generally made withn 12mths of the original sample date. The 12mnths delay reduces the risk that a sample is used in a project, that is subsequently changed/updated."
      "name": "Pathology (Tayside)",
      "columns": [
          "name": "AllDiagnosisCodes",
          "dataType": "varchar(max)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "SNOMED codes applied by the pathologist to best describe the tissue (T code) and diagnosis (M code usually but can be a D, E or F code) within the limits of the system. The SNOMED version that we have been using up to date is SNOMED II which is a rather old system and is likely to be replaced soon.."
      "description": "Pathology Data from Ninewells Pathmanager.  Data covers legacy 1992 until present.    Routine updates data received qtrly. However, these are 12months behind real-time. The delay is because further tests and analysis can be requested on a sample, these are generally made withn 12mths of the original sample date. The 12mnths delay reduces the risk that a sample is used in a project, that is subsequently changed/updated."
      "name": "Pathology (Tayside)",
      "columns": [
          "name": "ResultTextLarge",
          "dataType": "varchar(max)",
          "sensitive": false,
          "description": "This field represents the test results in # seperated form."
      "description": "Pathology Data from Ninewells Pathmanager.  Data covers legacy 1992 until present.    Routine updates data received qtrly. However, these are 12months behind real-time. The delay is because further tests and analysis can be requested on a sample, these are generally made withn 12mths of the original sample date. The 12mnths delay reduces the risk that a sample is used in a project, that is subsequently changed/updated."

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  • Documentation
  • Language
  • Geographic Area

Related resources

No information available

Requesting access to this data

This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.

  • Publisher
    Health Informatics Centre - University of Dundee
  • Contact

Find out how to apply to access this dataset

Synthetic data

Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset. 

Key Details

  • Formal release or publication date
  • Start time period of data covered by this dataset
  • End time period of data covered by this dataset
    No information available
  • Documentation
    No information available
  • Geographic Area
    United Kingdom,Scotland,Tayside Region
  • Landing page
  • Language
  • The dataset type
  • Update frequency