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Scottish Surveys Core Questions
The SSCQ gathers survey responses from identical questions in the Scottish Crime and Justice Survey, the Scottish Health Survey and the Scottish Household Survey into one output.
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This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.
PublisherScottish Government
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Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset.
Key Details
Formal release or publication dateNo information available
Start time period of data covered by this dataset01/01/2012
End time period of data covered by this dataset21/10/2021
DocumentationThe pooling of Core Questions results in an annual sample of around 20,000 respondents, providing unprecedented precision of estimates at national level. This sample size enables the detailed and reliable analysis of key national estimates by ethnicity, sexual orientation, religion, age and gender, marital status, education level and economic activity, as well as tenure, car access and household type. SSCQ also enables a detailed sub-national analysis by local area, urban-rural classification and Scottish Index of Multiple Deprivation.
Geographic AreaScotland
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The dataset typePHYSICAL
Update frequencyannual