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Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan
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A JSON file is available with further technical information. This can include details of variables and data classes contained in the dataset.
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{ "summary": { "title": "ECHO", "abstract": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan", "keywords": "ECHO;,;Cardiovascular;,;Tayside;,;HIC;,;SCOTLAND", "publisher": { "name": "Health Informatics Centre - University of Dundee", "gatewayId": "5baa31c1-0280-4482-b8b7-a4953869f184" }, "inPipeline": "Not available", "shortTitle": "ECHO", "datasetType": "Health and disease", "description": "The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images.", "contactPoint": "", "datasetSubType": "Not applicable", "populationSize": 47091 }, "coverage": { "pathway": "Secondary Care echocardiogram data from Tayside.", "spatial": "United Kingdom,Scotland", "followUp": "Unknown", "typicalAgeRange": "0-150" }, "required": { "issued": "2024-10-08T11:28:34.070166Z", "version": "2.0.0", "modified": "2024-10-08T11:28:34.070177Z", "gatewayId": "131", "revisions": [ { "url": "", "version": "1.0.0" } ], "gatewayPid": "b63e32bd-a7ef-41b5-b55d-c82c38d69159" }, "provenance": { "origin": { "source": "Other", "purpose": "Disease registry", "imageContrast": "Not stated", "collectionSituation": "Other" }, "temporal": { "timeLag": "1-2 weeks", "startDate": "2014-10-29", "accrualPeriodicity": "Irregular", "distributionReleaseDate": "2022-05-12" } }, "observations": [ { "observedNode": "Persons", "measuredValue": 47091, "observationDate": "2022-05-12", "measuredProperty": "COUNT", "disambiguatingDescription": "47,091 Persons in the dataset" }, { "observedNode": "Events", "measuredValue": 67299, "observationDate": "2022-05-12", "measuredProperty": "Count", "disambiguatingDescription": "67,299 events in the dataset" } ], "accessibility": { "usage": { "resourceCreator": { "name": "NHS Tayside" }, "dataUseLimitation": "General research use", "dataUseRequirement": "Disclosure control;,;Ethics approval required;,;Geographical restrictions" }, "access": { "accessRights": "", "jurisdiction": "GB-SCT", "accessService": "HIC has implemented a remote-access Trusted Research Environment to protect data confidentiality, satisfy public concerns about data loss and reassure Data Controllers about HIC’s secure management and processing of their data.\n\nData is not released externally to data users for analysis on their own computers but placed on a server at HIC, within a restricted, secure IT environment, where the data user is given secure remote access to carry out their analysis.\n\nFull details are available via the following link:\n", "dataProcessor": "University of Dundee, Health Informatics Centre", "dataController": "Local NHS boards", "deliveryLeadTime": "Not applicable", "accessRequestCost": "Quotation available on request", "accessServiceCategory": "TRE/SDE" }, "formatAndStandards": { "formats": "Database", "languages": "en", "vocabularyEncodingSchemes": "LOCAL" } }, "structuralMetadata": [ { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "PROCHI", "dataType": "nvarchar(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Anonymised patient identifier" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "Machine", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the type of machine used in the echocardiography.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "LVIDD", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the size of the left ventricular internal diametre - diastole in a decimal format.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "IVC", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the diametre of the Inferior Vena Cava (IVC) in a decimal format.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "LVIDS", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the size of the left ventricular internal diametre - systole in a decimal format.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "RV", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the size of the right ventricle in a decimal format.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "FS", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the degree of shortening of the left ventricular diameter between end-diastole and end-systole.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "RA", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the size of the right atrium in a decimal format.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "EF", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the calculated value of the left ventricle ejection fraction (EF).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "LA", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the size of the left atrium in a decimal format.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "IVS", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the size of the Inter-ventricular septum in a decimal format.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "Ao", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the size of the aorta in a decimal format. ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "LVPW", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the size/diametre of the left ventricular posterior wall in a decimal format.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "LVOT", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the size/diametre of the left ventricular outflow tract (LVOT).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "AVA", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the value of the aorta valve area.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "MVA", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the value of the mitral valve area.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "RAP", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the value of the right atrial pressure (RAP).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "RVSP", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the value of the right ventricular systolic pressure (RVSP).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "Aorta", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field describes the size of the aorta in its present form. ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "Conclusion", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the conclusions reached after the echocardiographic study/examination.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "sourceYear", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the year when the echocardiography was performed.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "idch", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field contains a unique identifier for each of the record.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "EchoNumber", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a unique number that is assigned to patients undergoing echocardiography.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "DatePerformed", "dataType": "date", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the date when the echocardiography was performed.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "EchoType", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the type of echocardiography performed (e.g., Transthoracic (TTE), Transoesophageal (TOE)).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "LocationPerformedCode", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field contains an alphanumeric location code to denote where the echocardiography was performed (e.g., T101H, T202H). ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "LocationPerformedName", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the name of the location where the echocardiography was performed (e.g., Ninewells Hospital, Perth Royal Infirmary). ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "PatientType", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the patient's type (e.g., Inpatient or Outpatient).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "AVAppearance", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the appearance of the aorta valve (e.g., Normal, Morphologically normal).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "AVStenosis", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the severity of the aorta valve stenosis (e.g. Mild stenosis, Moderate stenosis, etc.).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "AVRegurgitation", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the severity of the aorta valve regurgitation (e.g. Mild regurgitation, Moderate regurgitation, etc.).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "AVComments", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates any free-text comments relative to the aorta valve.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "AVPeakGradient", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the peak pressure gradient value of the aorta valve.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "AVMeanGradient", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the mean pressure gradient value of the aorta valve.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "ARPHT", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the pressure half-time (PHT) value of the aorta valve.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "MVAppearance", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the appearance of the mitral valve (e.g., Normal, Morphologically normal).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "MVStenosis", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the severity of the mitral valve stenosis (e.g. Mild stenosis, Moderate stenosis, etc.).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "MVRegurgitation", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the severity of the mitral valve regurgitation (e.g. Mild regurgitation, Moderate regurgitation, etc.).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "EA", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the E/A ratio of the mitral valve.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "DECELTime", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the deceleration time value of the mitral valve.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "MVPHT", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the pressure half-time (PHT) value of the mitral valve.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "MVMeanGradient", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the mean pressure gradient value of the mitral valve.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "TVAppearance", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the appearance of the tricuspid valve (e.g., Normal, Morphologically normal).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "TVStenosis", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the severity of the tricuspid valve stenosis (e.g. Mild stenosis, Moderate stenosis, etc.).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "TVRegurgitation", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the severity of the tricuspid valve regurgitation (e.g. Mild regurgitation, Moderate regurgitation, etc.).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "PeakTRGradient", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the value of the peak tricuspid regurgitation (TR) pressure gradient.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "PVAppearance", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the appearance of the pulmonary valve (e.g., Normal, Morphologically normal).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "PVStenosis", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the severity of the pulmonary valve stenosis (e.g. Mild stenosis, Moderate stenosis, etc.).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "PVRegurgitation", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the severity of the pulmonary valve regurgitation (e.g. Mild regurgitation, Moderate regurgitation, etc.).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "PVPeakGradient", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the peak pressure gradient value of the pulmonary valve.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "PVPREDP", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the value of the pulmonary regurgitation (PR) end-diastolic pressure (EDP).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "LVSize", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field describes the size of the left ventricle (e.g., Dilated, Mildly dilated).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "LVSystolicFunction", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field describes the systolic function of the left ventricle (e.g., Normal systolic function, Moderate/severe systolic function).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "LVWall MotionAbnormality", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the abnormalities of the left ventricular wall motion.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "DiastolicFunctionOther", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field describes the diastolic function of the left ventricle (e.g., Normal diastolic function, Diastolic dysfunction).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "TDIMedial", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the velocity of the Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) when a sample volume is placed at the medial mitral annulus. ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "TDILateral", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the velocity of the Tissue Doppler Imaging (TDI) when a sample volume is placed at the lateral mitral annulus.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "LeftAtrium", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field describes the size of the left atrium (e.g., Normal LA size, Dilated LA).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "RightHeart", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field describes the size of the right heart/atrium (e.g., Normal right heart size and function, Undilated right heart).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside to March 2013", "columns": [ { "name": "PericardialEffusion", "dataType": "nvarchar(2000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Pericardial effusion is fluid around the heart. This field indicates if there is a fluid around the heart (e.g., No pericardial effusion).." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images." }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "PROCHI", "dataType": "varchar(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Anonymised patient identifier" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "Comments", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "Hospital", "dataType": "varchar(80)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the hospital attended. The data is defined with: Arbroath Infirmary Stracathro Hospital Ninewells Hospital Tayside Perth Royal Infirmary." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "savetime", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "Time field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "version", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the version number." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "left_ventricle", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the left ventricle and is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "right_ventricle", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the right ventricle and is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mitral_valve", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mitral valve and is a free text field.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tricuspid_valve", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the tricuspid valve and is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "aortic_valve", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic valve and is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pulmonary_valve", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the pulmonary valve and is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "great_vessels", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represenst the aortic root and is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "image_quality", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the image quality and is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ecg", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the ECG and is a free text field ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lviddundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the undefined Left Ventricular Internal Dimension at end-diastole commonly measured in mm ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvidsundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Left Ventricular Internal Dimension at end-systole commonly measured in mm." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "fsundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents fractional shortening commonly measured in percentage." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "edvteichundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents End-Diastolic Volume (teichholtz equation) undefined." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "esvteichundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the end-systolic volume (teichholtz equatioin) undefined." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "efteichundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Ejection Fraction (teichholtz equation) undefined." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "edvcubedundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents End-Diastolic Volume (cubed equation) undefined." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "esvcubedundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the end-systolic volume (cubed equatiion) undefined." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "efcubedundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Ejection Fraction (cubed equation) undefined." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "svteichundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Stroke Volume (teichholtz equation) undefined." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "svcubedundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Stroke Volume (cubed equation) undefined." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ao_root_diamundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic root diameter." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ao_root_areaundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic root area." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "doppler_measurements__calculations", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the doppler measurements." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_e_max_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the maximum Mitral Valve peak velocity annular motion determined by a pulsed wave." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_a_max_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the maximum diastolic Mitral Valve peak velocity annular motion determined by a pulsed wave." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_ea", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the ratio of 'A' to 'E' ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ao_v2_max", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maximum aortic pressure gradient." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ao_max_pg", "dataType": "varchar(44)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic pressure gradient." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tr_max_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents tricuspid regurgitation velocity." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "imagequality", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Image quality. The data is defined by: Poor Good Fair." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "studylocation", "dataType": "varchar(1000)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents where the study was carried out i.e Ninwells, PRI ect." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "regional_wall_motion_abnormalities", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents abnormal regional wall motion and is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "atria", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the atria observation and is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "inferior_vena_cava", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the inferior vena cava observation and is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "rvddundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Thgis field represents right ventricular dimension at end-diastole." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "la_dimensionundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Left Atrium dimension." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvot_diamundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Left ventricular outflow tract diameter." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvot_areaundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Left ventricular outflow tract area." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_dec_time", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mitral valve deceleration time." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ao_mean_pg", "dataType": "varchar(40)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic mean pressure gradient." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ao_v2_vti", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic velocity time integral V2 Maximum velocity across the valve (m/s)." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "avai_a", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic valve insufficiency peak velocity of late transmitral flow." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "avai_d", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic valve insufficiency peak velocity of diastolic pulmonary vein flow." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "avav_a", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic valve continuity equation Continuity equation: A1.v1 = A2.v2 Peak velocity of late transmitral flow." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "avav_d", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic valve continuity equation Continuity equation: A1.v1 = A2.v2 peak velocity of diastolic pulmonary vein flow." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lv_v1_max_pg", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Maximum Left ventricular pressure gradient ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lv_v1_mean_pg", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Left ventricular mean pressure gradient ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lv_v1_max", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Left ventricular peak Velocity ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lv_v1_vti", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Left ventricular velocity time integral ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mr_pisa", "dataType": "varchar(80)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents mitral regurgitation using the principle of conservation of mass by analyzing the Proximal Isovelocity hemispheric Surface Area of the flow convergence on the ventricular side. ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "svlvot", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the stroke volume left ventricular outflow tract." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pa_v2_max", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the pulmonary artery max velocity." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pa_max_pg", "dataType": "varchar(40)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the pulmonary artery max pressure gradient." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "laaoundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents ratio of the left atrial dimension to the aortic annulus dimension." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvpwdundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end-diastole." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ivslvpwundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Interventricular septum Left ventricular posterior wall." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lv_masscdundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the left ventricle mass contrast defect." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "other_findings", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents other findings and is a free text field." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvot_areatracedundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Left Ventricular Outflow Tract area trace." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pericardiumpleural", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Pericardium or Pleural effusion and is a free text field.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mr_max_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents mitral regurgitation max velocity." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mr_max_pg", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represent mitral regurgitation flow maximum peak gradient." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mr_mean_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents mitral regurgitation mean velocity." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mr_mean_pg", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represent mitral regurgitation flow mean peak gradient." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mr_vti", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents mitral regurgitaion velocity time integral." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mr_flow_rate", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represent mitral regurgitation flow rate." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mr_ero", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents mitral regurgitation effective regurgitant orifice." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mr_volume", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mitral regurgitation volume." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mr_alias_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents mitral regurgitation aliasing velocity." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ao_v2_mean", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mean velocity." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_dec_slope", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mitral valve deceleration slope." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "desc_ao_diamundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the descending aortic diameter." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "svao", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents aortic stroke volume." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pa_acc_slope", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the pulmonary artery acceleration slope." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "rv_v1_max_pg", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Right ventricle maximum pressure gradient ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "rv_v1_mean_pg", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Right ventricle mean pressure gradient ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "rv_v1_max", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Maximum velocity measured proximal to the pulmonic valve in the right ventricule ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "rv_v1_mean", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Mean velocity measured proximal to the pulmonic valve in the right ventricule ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "rv_v1_vti", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Velocity-time integral measured proximal to the pulmonic valve with Doppler in the right ventricular ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lv_v1_mean", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "LV V1 mean Left ventricular velocity mean ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ao_acc_slope", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the pulmonary artery acceleration slope." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ao_acc_time", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic acceleration time." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_v2_max", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Maximum velocity of the flow across the mitral valve ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_max_pg", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mitral valve maximum peak gradient." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_v2_mean", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Mean velocity of the flow across the mitral valve ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_mean_pg", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mitral valve mean peak gradient." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_v2_vti", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Velocity-time integral measured across the mitral valve ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvpwsundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Left ventricular posterior wall thickness at end-systole." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ef_percent__simpsons_biplaneundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the ejection fraction with the biplane simpson method." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "_percent__lvpw_thickundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Fractional thickening of the left ventricular posterior wall." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvld_ap4undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Left Ventricle Length Diastole." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "edvmod_minus_sp4undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the End Diastole Volume Method of Disks, Single Plane Apical four chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvls_ap4undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents left ventricle longitudinal strain." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "esvmod_minus_sp4undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Left Ventricular End Systolic Volume Method of Disks, Single Plane ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "efmod_minus_sp4undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Method of Disks, Single Plane ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvld_ap2undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Left Ventricle Length Diastole Apical two chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "edvmod_minus_sp2undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the End Diastole Volume Method of Disks, Single Plane Apical two chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvls_ap2undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents left ventricle longitudinal strain." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "esvmod_minus_sp2undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Left Ventricular End Systolic Volume Method of Disks, Single Plane Apical two chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "efmod_minus_sp2undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Left Ventricular Ejection Fraction Method of Disks, Single Plane Apical two chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "svmod_minus_sp4undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Stroke Volume Method of Disks, Single Plane Apical four chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "svmod_minus_sp2undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Stroke Volume Method of Disks, Single Plane Apical two chamber." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mvavti", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents mitral valve area Velocity time integral." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ivssundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Interventricular septum thickness at end-systole." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "_percent__ivs_thickundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents fraction thickening of Interventricular septum thickness at end-systole." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lv_masscsundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents left ventricular mass calcification score ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pi_end_minus_d_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Pulmonic insufficiency end diastolic velocity." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ai_max_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents aortic insufficiency max velocity." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ai_max_pg", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents aortic insufficiency max peak gradient." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ai_dec_slope", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents aortic insufficiency deceleration slope." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ai_dec_time", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents aortic insufficiency deceleration time." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ai_p12t", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents aortic insufficiency Pressure Half-Time ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "basal_anterior", "dataType": "varchar(100)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents basal anterior." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "basal_anterolateral_wall", "dataType": "varchar(100)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents basal anterolateral wall." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "basal_posterolateral_wall", "dataType": "varchar(100)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents basal posterolateral wall." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "basal_inferior_wall", "dataType": "varchar(100)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents basal inferior wall." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "basal_inferior_septum", "dataType": "varchar(100)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents basal inferior septum." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mid_anterior_septum", "dataType": "varchar(100)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents mid anterior septum." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_p12t_max_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mitral valve pressure half time maximum velocity." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_p12t", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mitral valve pressure half time." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mvap12t", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mitral valve area pressure half time ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvad_ap4undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Left Ventricle Assist Device Apical 4 chamber." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "edvsp4_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "EDV(sp4-el) End-diastolic volume single plane ellipse, apical 4 chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvas_ap4undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Left Ventricle Atrium Systole apical 4 chamber." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "esvsp4_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "ESV(sp4-el) End-systolic volume - single plane, ellipse, apical 4 chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "efsp4_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "EF(sp4-el) Ejection Fraction - single plane, ellipse, apical 4 chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "svsp4_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "SV(sp4-el) Stoke volume - single plane, ellipse, apical 4 chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pa_v2_mean", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the pulmonary artery meanvelocity." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pa_mean_pg", "dataType": "varchar(40)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the pulmonary artery mean pressure gradient." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pa_v2_vti", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Velocity-time integral measured across the pulmonary artery ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "study_details", "dataType": "varchar(400)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field appears to be free text. containing consultant details and potentially identifiable detail." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvad_ap2undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Left Ventricle Assist Device Apical 2 chamber." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "edvsp2_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "EDV(sp2-el) End-diastolic volume single plane, ellipse, apical 2 chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvas_ap2undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Left Ventricle Atrium Systole apical 2 chamber." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "esvsp2_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "ESV(sp2-el) End-systolic volume - single plane, ellipse, apical 2 chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "efsp2_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "EF(sp2-el) Ejection Fraction - single plane, ellipse, apical 2 chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvld__percent_diffundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "LVLd %diff Left ventricular length diastolic difference ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "edvmod_minus_bpundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the end diastolic volume modification minus Blood Pressure." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvls__percent_diffundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents left ventricle longitudinal strain." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "esvmod_minus_bpundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "ESV(MOD-bp) End-systolic volume (method of disks, biplane) ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "efmod_minus_bpundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Ejection Fraction (method of disks, biplane) ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "svmod_minus_bpundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "SV(MOD-bp) Stoke volume (method of disks, biplane) ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "svsp2_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "SV(sp2-el) Stoke volume - single plane, ellipse, apical 2 chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mvatracedundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mitral valve area trace." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "patientheight", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the patients height." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "patientweight", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the patients weight at the time." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "bsa", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Body Surface Area." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lv_masscdiundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the left ventricle mass contrast defect index." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "siao", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Sphericity index aorta." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "silvot", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Sphericity index Left ventricular outflow tract." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "rvsptr", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the right ventricular systolic pressure Tricuspid regurgitation." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "rap_systole", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "right atrial pressure systole." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "aortic_hr", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic heart rate." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "coao", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Coarctation of the Aorta." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "colvot", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents cardiac output left ventricular outflow tract." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "rvot_diamundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Right ventricular outflow tract diameter." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "rvot_areaundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Right ventricular outflow tract area." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ivsdundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Interventricular septum thickness at end-diastole." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "simod_minus_sp4undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "SI(MOD-sp4) Stoke index (method of disks, single plane, apical 4 chamber) ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "simod_minus_sp2undefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "SI(MOD-sp2) Stoke index (method of disks, single plane, apical 2 chamber) ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "simod_minus_bpundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Sphericity index modification blood pressure." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "sisp4_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "SI(sp4-el) Stoke index - single plane, ellipse, apical 4 chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "sisp2_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "SI(sp2-el) Stoke index - single plane, ellipse, apical 2 chamber ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "asc_aorta_diamundefined", "dataType": "varchar(100)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the ascending aorta diameter in a patient.." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "siteichundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "SI(Teich) Stoke index using Teichholz Formula ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "sicubedundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Sphericity index cube." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "vsd_diam_majorundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "ventricular septal thickness at Diastole." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "rvdsundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Right ventricular dimension at end systole." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "svrvot", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "SV(RVOT) Stoke volume at the right ventricular outflow tract ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tv_v2_max", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "TV V2 max Maximum velocity measured across the tricuspid valve ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tv_max_pg", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "TV max PG Maximal tricuspid valve pressure gradient ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ao_arch_diamundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the aortic arch diameter." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "heartrate", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the heart rate." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "las_majorundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "LAs major Left atrial major dimension at end-systole. ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "ras_majorundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Renal artery stenosis major." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mpa_diamundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the main pulmonary artery diameter." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mpa_areaundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Thi field represents the main pulmonary artery area." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pvai_a", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the pulmonary valve aortic insufficiency Peak velocity of late transmitral flow." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pvai_d", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the pulmonary valve aortic insufficiency Peak velocity of diastolic pulmonary vein flow." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "systolicpressure", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the systolic pressure." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "diastolicpressure", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This filed represents the diastolic pressure." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lv_masscsiundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the left ventricle mass calcification score index." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "qpqs_v_ao", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Qp = Pulmonary flow. Qs = Systemic flow Aorta." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "mv_acc_time", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Mitral Valve acceleration time." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lv_ivrt", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the left ventricle Isovolumic (or isovolumetric) relaxation time." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tv_v2_mean", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "TV V2 mean Mean velocity measured across the tricuspid valve ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tv_mean_pg", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "TV mean PG Mean tricuspid valve pressure gradient ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tv_v2_vti", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "TV V2 VTI Tricuspid valve velocity time integral ." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "qpqs_v_lvot", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Qp = Pulmonary flow. Qs = Systemic flow Left ventricular outflow tract." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pulm_sys_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the pulmonary systolic velocity." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "EventDt", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the event date." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "aov_annu_diamundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pvav_a", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pvav_d", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "lvld_apicalundefined", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pi_max_vel", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pi_max_pg", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pi_dec_slope", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "pi_p12t", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "videotapenumber", "dataType": "varchar(max)", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tv_e_max_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tv_a_max_vel", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tv_ea", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "comod_minus_bpundefined", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "cosp4_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "cosp2_minus_elundefined", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "copv", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "Supplied from 19 January 2021." } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tv_dec_slope", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" }, { "name": "Echo - Tayside From Nov 2014", "columns": [ { "name": "tv_dec_time", "dataType": "float", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "Tayside echocardiographic dataset. The dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator's assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator's overall opinion of the images. Data comes to HIC via Douglas Elders Cardiovascular reports system Routine Extract from Dougie Elders Cardiology reporting system. Data is provided nightly, and covers Echo done for Tayside, and NE Fife residents" } ] }
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Additional information
Geographic AreaScotland
Related resources
No information available
Requesting access to this data
This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.
PublisherHealth Informatics Centre - University of Dundee
Synthetic data
Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset.
Key Details
Formal release or publication date12/05/2022
Start time period of data covered by this dataset29/10/2014
End time period of data covered by this datasetNo information available
DocumentationThe dataset collects all the values obtained during the scan and the operator"s assessment of the cardiac chambers and valves, together with a free text field to describe the operator"s overall opinion of the images.
Geographic AreaUnited Kingdom,Scotland
Landing page
The dataset typePHYSICAL
Update frequencyirregular