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Walker Study Data
Cohort of over 48,000 birth records (pregnancy, labour, birth and care) in Dundee. Between 1952-1966. Contains information on the birthing events such as birth weight, date, feeding, and socio economic variables such as parent occupation.
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A JSON file is available with further technical information. This can include details of variables and data classes contained in the dataset.
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{ "summary": { "title": "Walker Study Data", "abstract": "Cohort of over 48,000 birth records (pregnancy, labour, birth and care) in Dundee. Between 1952-1966. Contains information on the birthing events such as birth weight, date, feeding, and socio economic variables such as parent occupation.", "keywords": "Births;,;Scotland;,;Walker Study;,;Tayside;,;HIC", "publisher": { "name": "Health Informatics Centre - University of Dundee", "gatewayId": "5baa31c1-0280-4482-b8b7-a4953869f184" }, "inPipeline": "Not available", "shortTitle": "Walker Study Data", "datasetType": "Health and disease", "contactPoint": "", "datasetSubType": "Not applicable", "populationSize": 49000 }, "coverage": { "pathway": "Consented research project", "spatial": "United Kingdom,Scotland,Tayside Region", "followUp": "Unknown", "typicalAgeRange": "0-150" }, "required": { "issued": "2024-10-08T11:28:33.630648Z", "version": "5.0.0", "modified": "2024-10-08T11:28:33.63066Z", "gatewayId": "128", "revisions": [ { "url": "", "version": "1.0.0" } ], "gatewayPid": "1f78cd45-115e-462f-8cfd-6bc0a22dce69" }, "provenance": { "origin": { "source": "Paper-based", "purpose": "Study", "imageContrast": "Not stated", "collectionSituation": "Other" }, "temporal": { "endDate": "1966-12-31", "timeLag": "Not applicable", "startDate": "1952-01-01", "accrualPeriodicity": "Static", "distributionReleaseDate": "2021-11-11" } }, "observations": [ { "observedNode": "Persons", "measuredValue": 49000, "observationDate": "2021-09-01", "measuredProperty": "Count", "disambiguatingDescription": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." } ], "accessibility": { "usage": { "resourceCreator": { "name": "University of Dundee" }, "dataUseLimitation": "General research use", "dataUseRequirement": "Disclosure control" }, "access": { "accessRights": "", "jurisdiction": "GB-SCT", "accessService": "HIC has implemented a remote-access Trusted Research Environment to protect data confidentiality, satisfy public concerns about data loss and reassure Data Controllers about HIC’s secure management and processing of their data.\n\nData is not released externally to data users for analysis on their own computers but placed on a server at HIC, within a restricted, secure IT environment, where the data user is given secure remote access to carry out their analysis.\n\nFull details are available via the following link:\n", "dataProcessor": "University of Dundee, Health Informatics Centre", "dataController": "University of Dundee", "deliveryLeadTime": "Not applicable", "accessRequestCost": "Quotation available on request", "accessServiceCategory": "TRE/SDE" }, "formatAndStandards": { "formats": "CSV;,;Database", "languages": "en", "vocabularyEncodingSchemes": "LOCAL" } }, "structuralMetadata": [ { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "SEX", "dataType": "char(1)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the sex of the baby.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "ALIVE", "dataType": "char(1)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is represented by either an A or a D to show whether a fetus is alive/dead on admmission. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "LMP", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the date of the mother's last menstrual period.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "EDC", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "Estimated Date of Confinement (estimated delivery date)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "WEIGHT_LBS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies weight in pounds." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "WEIGHT_OZ", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies weight in ounces." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "WEIGHT_G", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the weight of the baby in grams." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "LABOUR_1_HRS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the first stage of labour and how long it lasted in hours ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "LABOUR_1_MINS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the first stage of labour and how long it lasted in additional minutes." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "LABOUR_2_HRS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the second stage of labour and how long it lasted in hours ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "LABOUR_2_MINS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents second stage of labour and how many additional minutes ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "LABOUR_3_HRS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the third stage of labour and how long it lasted in hours ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "LABOUR_3_MINS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the third stage of labour and how many additional minutes ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "LABOUR_TOTAL_HRS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the total length of labour and how long it lasted in hours ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "LABOUR_TOTAL_MINS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the total length of labour and how many additional minutes ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "ADMITTED_1", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the date of mother's first admission to hospital.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "ADMITTED_2", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the date of mother's second admission to hospital.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGED_1", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mother's date of discharge from first admission to hospital.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGED_2", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the mother's date of discharge from second admission to hospital.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_AGE", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the age of Mother at admission." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_PARITY", "dataType": "char(5)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the number of pregnancies and births to date ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_HEIGHT_FEET", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Mother's height in feet." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_HEIGHT_INCH", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Mother's height in inches." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_BLOOD_ABO", "dataType": "char(2)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Maternal blood group - ie A, B, AB or O ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_BLOOD_RH", "dataType": "char(1)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the maternal blood rhesus factor. The data is shown with either a +ve or -ve ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_BLOOD_ANTI", "dataType": "char(1)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Maternal Antibodies. The datais defined with either a + or a -." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_OCCUPATION", "dataType": "char(30)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Mothers occupation." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "F_AGE", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the age of the father at admission.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "F_HEIGHT_FEET", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the father's height in feet ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "F_HEIGHT_INCH", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the father's height in inches ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "F_OCCUPATION", "dataType": "varchar(30)", "sensitive": false, "description": "fathers occupation ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "CARD_TYPE", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents three different card types available within the data using 0,1 or 2. 0 is CARD_0_SMALL(1952-1959) 1 is CARD_1_LARGE(1959-1963) 2 is CARD_2_LARGE(1963-1966) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "F_CHI_ID", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Father's Community Health Index (CHI) number . Community Health Index (CHI) number is a unique personal indentifier allocated to each patient on first registration with a GP Practice. It follows the format DDMMYYRRGC where DDMMYY represents the persons date of birth, RR are random digits, G is another random digit but acts as a gender identifier, (where odd numbers indicate males and even numbers indicate females), and the final digit is an arithmetical check digit.. CHI is a unique number assigned to an individual therefore CHI will not be a factor for statistics." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_CHI_ID", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Mother's Community Health Index (CHI) number . Community Health Index (CHI) number is a unique personal indentifier allocated to each patient on first registration with a GP Practice. It follows the format DDMMYYRRGC where DDMMYY represents the persons date of birth, RR are random digits, G is another random digit but acts as a gender identifier, (where odd numbers indicate males and even numbers indicate females), and the final digit is an arithmetical check digit.. CHI is a unique number assigned to an individual therefore CHI will not be a factor for statistics." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "B_CHI_ID", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Babies Community Health Index (CHI) number . Community Health Index (CHI) number is a unique personal indentifier allocated to each patient on first registration with a GP Practice. It follows the format DDMMYYRRGC where DDMMYY represents the persons date of birth, RR are random digits, G is another random digit but acts as a gender identifier, (where odd numbers indicate males and even numbers indicate females), and the final digit is an arithmetical check digit.. CHI is a unique number assigned to an individual therefore CHI will not be a factor for statistics." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "SIBLING_CHI_ID", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the siblings CHI ID Community Health Index (CHI) number is a unique personal indentifier allocated to each patient on first registration with a GP Practice. It follows the format DDMMYYRRGC where DDMMYY represents the persons date of birth, RR are random digits, G is another random digit but acts as a gender identifier, (where odd numbers indicate males and even numbers indicate females), and the final digit is an arithmetical check digit. . CHI is a unique number assigned to an individual therefore CHI will not be a factor for statistics." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_CHI_ID", "dataType": "varchar(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Mother's Community Health Index (CHI) number . Community Health Index (CHI) number is a unique personal indentifier allocated to each patient on first registration with a GP Practice. It follows the format DDMMYYRRGC where DDMMYY represents the persons date of birth, RR are random digits, G is another random digit but acts as a gender identifier, (where odd numbers indicate males and even numbers indicate females), and the final digit is an arithmetical check digit. . CHI is a unique number assigned to an individual therefore CHI will not be a factor for statistics." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "YEAR", "dataType": "char(4)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents year." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "YEARTO", "dataType": "char(4)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Year to." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "PLACE", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents where the baby was born. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "SEX", "dataType": "char(1)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies sex. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "WEIGHT_LBS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies weight in pounds ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "WEIGHT_OZ", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies weight in ounces. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "WEIGHT_G", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies total weight in grams ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "ALIVE", "dataType": "char(1)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is represented by either an A or a D to show whether a fetus is alive/dead on admmission. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "MORTALITY", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies status at birth. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "GESTATION", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is represents the length of weeks of pregnancy. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "DELIVERY", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the delivery type. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "COMPLICATIONS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the complications experienced during the birth. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "DETAILS", "dataType": "varchar(40)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the details of Birth/complication." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "CARD_TYPE", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents three different card types available within the data using 0,1 or 2. 0 is CARD_0_SMALL(1952-1959) 1 is CARD_1_LARGE(1959-1963) 2 is CARD_2_LARGE(1963-1966) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "B_CHI_ID", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Babies Community Health Index (CHI) number . Community Health Index (CHI) number is a unique personal indentifier allocated to each patient on first registration with a GP Practice. It follows the format DDMMYYRRGC where DDMMYY represents the persons date of birth, RR are random digits, G is another random digit but acts as a gender identifier, (where odd numbers indicate males and even numbers indicate females), and the final digit is an arithmetical check digit. . CHI is a unique number assigned to an individual therefore CHI will not be a factor for statistics." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_OUT_PATIENT", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any miscellaneous out patient. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_PREV_ABORT", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any miscellaneous previous termination. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "ANA_ANALGESIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether anaesthetic pain relief or other analgesia such as pethidine, diamorphine, entonox was used during delivery. Data defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "ANA_LOCAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether local anaesthetic was used during delivery. Data defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "ANA_GENERAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether general anaesthetic was used during delivery Data defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "ANA_SPINAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether a spinal anaesthetic (Epidural) was used during delivery. Data defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_TRANS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether a blood transfusion was required. Data defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OTHER_IVI", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any other intravenous treatment. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "INV_WR_PERFORMED", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether a Wasserman Reaction was performed. The Wasserman Reaction is a test for syphllis The data is prefixed with INV - meaning Investigation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "INV_WR_POSITIVE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Wasserman Reaction Positive. The Wasserman Reaction is a test for syphllis The data is prefixed with INV - meaning Investigation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "INV_XRAY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether an Xray was taken. The data is prefixed with INV - meaning Investigation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "INV_XRAY_PELVIMETRY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "The field represents whether a Pelvimetry has taken place. The data is prefixed with INV - meaning Investigation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_MISC", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any maternal miscellaneous complication. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_HYPEREMESIS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a maternal complication involving hyperemesis or vomiting. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_ABORTION", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a maternal complication during abortion. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_M_CORDIS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a maternal complication involving the heart. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_RESP_DISEASE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving respiratory disease. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_VAGINITIS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving vaginitus. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_PYLITIS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving pylitis. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_NEPHRITIS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving nephritis or the kidney. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_HYPERTENSION", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a maternal complication involving hypertension. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_PRE_ECLAMPSIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving pre - eclampsia. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_ECLAMPSIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a maternal complication involving eclampsia. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_ANAEMIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complication involving anaemia. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_TUMOURS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving a tumour. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_HYRAMNIOS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a maternal complication involving hyramnios or excess amnio fluid. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_PLAC_PRAEVIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving placenta praevia The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_ACCID_HAEM", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a maternal complication involving accidental haemorrhage or placental abruption. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_OTHER_HAEM", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving other forms of haemorrhage. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_PPH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving post partum haem or bleeding after delivery. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_UTERINE_DYS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving the uterus. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_PROLAPSED_CORD", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving prolapsed cord. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_MULTIPLE_PREG", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications experienced during a multiple pregnancy. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_PELVIC_DEFORMITY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving pelvic deformity. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_CEP_PEL_DISP", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a maternal complication when the babies head has been too big for the pelvis. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_NOTI_PYREXIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents maternal complications involving pyrexia or fever. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_MOR_PUERPERIUM", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a maternal complication involving mortality (death) in the puerperal period. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_MAT_DEATH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a maternal complication resulting in death. The data is prefixed with MC - meaning Maternal Complications and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "PR_ROA_LOA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a Right occipito anterior OR Left occipito anterior during birth. The data is prefixed with PR - meaning Presentation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "PR_ROL_LOL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a Right occipito lateral OR Left occipito lateral during birth. The data is prefixed with PR - meaning Presentation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "PR_ROP_LOP", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a Right occipito posterior OR Left occipito posterior during birth. The data is prefixed with PR - meaning Presentation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "PR_BREECH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether the baby presented breech during birth. The data is prefixed with PR - meaning Presentation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "PR_TRANSVERSE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a transverse lie during birth. The data is prefixed with PR - meaning Presentation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "PR_BROW_FACE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether the baby presented brow/face first during birth. The data is prefixed with PR - meaning Presentation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "PR_COMPOUND", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a compound presentation (eg head and hand, head and foot) during birth. The data is prefixed with PR - meaning Presentation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_FORCEPS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any operation involving the use of forceps The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_CAESAREAN", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any operation involving a caesarean. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_WILL_FORCEPS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether a particular forcep delivery was used. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_INT_VERSION", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any operation involving turning the baby. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_ANT_VERSION", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any operation due to the baby being in a forward direction which means turning a breech baby to cephalic. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_EPISIOTOMY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any operation involving an episiotomy. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_PERINEAL_SUTURE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a perineal suture. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_3RD_DEG_TEAR", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any operation involving a 3rd degree tear. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_SURG_INDUCTION", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a surgical induction of labour. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_MAN_REMOV_PLAC", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the manual removal of placenta. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_MISC", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any miscellaneous operation. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_NORMAL_DELIVERY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a normal delivery. The data is prefixed with OP - meaning Operation and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "IND_NEONATAL_DEATH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "The field represents Neonatal Death The data is prefixed with IND - meaning Infant Disease and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "IND_SB", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a still birth. The data is prefixed with IND - meaning Infant Disease and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "IND_INFECTION", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether there was any infection. The data is prefixed with IND - meaning Infant Disease and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "IND_BIRTH_INJURY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents an injury sustained at birth. The data is prefixed with IND - meaning Infant Disease and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "IND_CONG_MALFORM", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether the baby has a congenital malformation. The data is prefixed with IND - meaning Infant Disease and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "IND_OPHTH_NEON", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any eye problem or infection The data is prefixed with IND - meaning Infant Disease and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "IND_HAEMOLYTIC", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether the baby has a rhesus incompatibility with mother The data is prefixed with IND - meaning Infant Disease and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "IND_HAEMORRHAGIC", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether any bleeding was experienced. The data is prefixed with IND - meaning Infant Disease and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "IND_MISC", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents any other miscellaneous occurence. The data is prefixed with IND - meaning Infant Disease and defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "FEED_BREAST", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether the baby is breast fed This is determined by the feed at end of first week/on discharge whichever is last Data defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "FEED_COMPLEMENT", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether the baby is given fomula milk as well as a breastfeed This is determined by the feed at end of first week/on discharge whichever is last. Data defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "FEED_ARTIFICIAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether the baby is formulae fed. This is determined by the feed at end of first week/on discharge whichever is last Data defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "B_ID", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "The underlying column in the dataset is B_ID which is an annochi. This is substituted into a prochi at extraction time.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MARRIED", "dataType": "char(4)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the year of marriage ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "FIRST_VISIT_CLINIC", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the date of first clinic visit (Format YYYY-MM-DD)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INCIDENTAL", "dataType": "char(30)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is a free text field." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "COMPLICATIONS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents complications with birth. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "POSITION", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the babies position. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNANCY_HB_PERCENT", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates pregnancy haemoglobin The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_LOSS_OZ", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates Blood Loss in ounces." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PUERPERIUM_HB_PERCENT", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the haemoglobin percentage puerperium ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PUERPERIUM", "dataType": "char(30)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents free text on puerperium." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_HB_PERCENT", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the haemoglobin percentage on Discharge." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "TRANSFUSION_PINTS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the blood transfusion in pints." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_WEIGHT_LBS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies discharge weight in pounds ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_WEIGHT_OZ", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies discharge weight in additional ounces ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_WEIGHT_G", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies total discharge weight in grams." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PLACENTA_LBS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the placenta's weight in pounds ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PLACENTA_OZ", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the placenta's weight in additional ounces ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PLACENTA_G", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the placenta's total weight in grams ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_CALCIFIED", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates calcified placenta (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_INFARCTED", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates placental infarction (necrosis in part of the placenta) (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_RETROP_CLOT", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a retroplacental clot (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_MEMB_RAGGED", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the membranes ragged (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium ) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_MEMB_DOUBTFUL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the membranes doubtful (unclear if they are complete) (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_MEMB_COMPLETE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates placenta membrane complete (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_PLAC_INCOMPLETE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the placenta is incomplete (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_PLAC_DOUBTFUL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates if the placenta is doubtful (unclear if it is complete) (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_PLAC_COMPLETE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates Placenta complete (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_CIRCUMVALLATE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates circumvallate placenta (ridge on the fetal surface of the placenta) (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_BATTLEDORE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the insertion of the cord into the edge of the placenta - battledore (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_C_H_INCH", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This fieldindicates Crown Heel measurement in inches." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_C_R_INCH", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates Crown Rump measurement in inches." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNUM_1", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the current pregnancy number (First) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNUM_2", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the current pregnancy number (Second) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNUM_3", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the current pregnancy number (Third) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNUM_4_PLUS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the current pregnancy number (Fourth and up) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNUM_INCL_ABORTS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the Pregnum 1/2/3/4 includes aborts The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HISTORY_CS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a history of Caesarian section The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HISTORY_DIFF_LAB", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates history of difficult labour The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HISTORY_GYN_OP", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a history of gynaecological operation The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HISTORY_SB_NND", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a history of still birth or neonatal death Defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BOOKED", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether delivery was booked. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "EMERGENCY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents an Emergency delivery This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DEL_DRI", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents delivery at DRI (Dundee Royal Infirmary) This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DEL_MARYFIELD", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents delivery at Maryfield This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DEL_ELSEWHERE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents delivery elsewhere This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ADDR_DUNDEE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates whether the address is in Dundee. This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ADDR_ANGUS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates whether the address is in Angus. This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ADDR_OTHER", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This data indicates whether the address is outwith Tayside and Angus. This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_NND", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a NeoNatal Death (NND) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_FOETAL_DEATH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a foetal death The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_PM_DONE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates infant post mortem The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_MORBIDITY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates infant morbidity The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_DEFORMITY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates infant deformity The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_CEREBRAL_IRRITATION", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates infant cerebral irritation Defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_ICH_PROVED", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates an infant intracranial haemorrhage (ICH) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_OTHER_BIRTH_INJURY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates an injury at birth The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_ASPHYXIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates infant asphyxia. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_RH_DISEASE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates infant Rhesus disease This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_INFECT_SURFACE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates infant infection The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_INFECT_OTHER", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates infant infection The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "FEED_BREAST", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates if baby is breast fed. This is the feed at end of first week/on discharge whichever is last Defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "FEED_ARTIFICIAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates if baby is formulae fed This is the feed at end of first week/on discharge whichever is last Defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "FEED_COMPLEMENT", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates if the baby receives a complementary feed. This is fomula milk given to a baby as well as a breastfeed Defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PU_OTHER", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates other areas puerperium. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PU_RESPIRATORY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates respiratory puerperium. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PU_URINARY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates urinary problems puerperium. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PU_BREAST", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the breast puerperium. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PU_GENITAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the genital puerperium. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PU_VENOUS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates venous puerperium. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PU_PYREXIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates pyrexia puerperium. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HSC_1_2", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the Husband Social Class (HSC) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HSC_3", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the Husband Social Class (HSC) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HSC_4_5", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the Husband Social Class (HSC) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HSC_DOUBT", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates theHusband Social Class Doubt. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INC_PHYSICIAN", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a Physician Incident (INC-Incidental) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INC_SURGEON", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a Surgeon Incident (INC-Incidental) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INC_OTHER", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a 'Other' Incident (INC-Incidental) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INC_CARDIAC", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a Cardiac Incident (INC-Incidental) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INV_XRAY_PELVIMETRY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a PELVIMETRY (INV-Investigation) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INV_XRAY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates Xray (INV-Investigation) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_ANTENATAL_ADM", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Antenatal admission Defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_ANAEMIA_LESS_74_85_PER", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Maternal anaemia (MC-Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_ANAEMIA_11_125_G", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Maternal anaemia (MC-Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_ANAEMIA_MEGABLAST", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents megaloblastic anaemia (MC-Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_ANAEMIA_POSTPARTUM", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Post partum anaemia (MC - Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_HAEM_LESS_28WKS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents anaemia before 28 weeks gestation (MC - Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_APH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Antempartum haemorrhage(MC - Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_MULTIPLE_PREG", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents multiple pregnancy (MC - Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_ECLAMPSIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents eclampsia (MC - Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_HYPERTENSION", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents hypertension (MC - Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_OEDEMA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Oedema (MC - Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_ALBUMINURIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Albuminuria (MC-Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_EXCESS_VOMITING", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represent excessive vomiting (MC - Maternal Complications) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MC_MISC", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a miscellaneous maternal complication The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_MED_IND", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Miscellaneous Medical Induction The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_PITOCIN_DRIP", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates an Oxytocin drip was used The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_ARM", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents artificial rupture of membranes The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_FORCEPS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates forceps Used (OP- Operations) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_CAESAREAN", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a caesarean (OP-Operation) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_OP", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a miscellaneous operation The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PR_BREECH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates whether the presentation is Breech. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_OTHER_ABN_PRES", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents other abnormal presentation The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_FOETAL_DISTRESS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Miscellaneous Foetal Distress The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_TEARS_EPIS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates perineal trauma - tear or episiotomy The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_RET_PLAC_PPH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates retained placenta + post partum haemorrhage The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_OTHER_COND", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a miscellaneous 'Other' condition. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_OTHER_OPS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a miscellaneous 'Other' operation The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_VERSION_UA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates version (turning) of the baby in theatre under anaesthetic The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_TRANS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a Blood transfusion The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "OTHER_IVI", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This fieldindicates intravenous infusion The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANA_GENERAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates whether a general anaesthetic was used. This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANA_LOCAL_SPINAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates whether a Spinal anaesthetic (Epidural) was used. This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "B_ID", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "The underlying column in the dataset is B_ID which is an annochi. This is substituted into a prochi at extraction time.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "CITY_WARD", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is a free text field.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "TWIN1", "dataType": "char(5)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the sex of Twin Defined by A,F or M." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "TWIN2", "dataType": "char(5)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the sex of Twin Defined by A,F or M." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "TWIN3", "dataType": "char(5)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the sex of Twin Defined by A,F or M." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "TOB", "dataType": "char(5)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the time of birth." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "GEST", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the gestation period in weeks." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MARRIED", "dataType": "char(4)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Year of marriage." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "RELIGION", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the religion ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "FIRST_VISIT_CLINIC", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the date of first clinic visit." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INCIDENTAL", "dataType": "char(30)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is a free text field." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "COMPLICATIONS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates complications at birth. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "POSITION", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the babies position. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNANCY_HB_PERCENT", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates pregnancy haemoglobin The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_LOSS_OZ", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents blood loss in ounces." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PUERPERIUM_HB_PERCENT", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the puerperium postnatal heamoglobin percentage (Free text field)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PUERPERIUM", "dataType": "char(30)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents free text on puerperium." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_HB_PERCENT", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Haemoglobin percentage on Discharge." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "TRANSFUSION_PINTS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents transfusion in pints." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_C_H_INCH", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies crown heel measurement in Inches." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_C_H_CM", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies crown heel measurement in centimtres." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_C_R_INCH", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies crown rump measurement in inches." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_C_R_CM", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies crown rump measurement in centimetres.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_HEAD_CIRCUM", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies Head circumference in Inches ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_HEAD_CIRCUM_CM", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies head circumference at birth in cm ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_FEEDING", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the babies feed. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_WEIGHT_LBS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents babies total discharge weight in pounds ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_WEIGHT_OZ", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents babies total discharge weight in additional ounces ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_WEIGHT_G", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents babies total discharge weight in grams ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_C_H_INCH_DISC", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies crown heel measurement at discharge in Inches." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_C_H_CM_DISC", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies crown heel measurement in centimetres on discharge.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_C_R_INCH_DISC", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies crown rump measurement at discharge in inches." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_C_R_CM_DISC", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies crown rump measurement at discharge in centimtres." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_BABY_HEAD_CIRCUM", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies head circumference on discharge.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_BABY_HEAD_CIRCUM_CM", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies head circumference on discharge in cm." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_BABY_FEEDING", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates baby feeding on discharge ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "GENERAL", "dataType": "char(30)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the babies status at birth (free text) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "APGAR_BIRTH", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents APGAR Score of well being at birth." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "APGAR_6HR", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents APGAR Score of well being at 6hrs ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "APGAR_12HR", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents APGAR Score of well being at 12 hrs." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "APGAR_24HR", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents APGAR Score of well being at24 hrs ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MED_EXAM", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates medical examination. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "SPECIAL_NURSERY_NOTES", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates special nursery notes The data is defined by either a 0 (Blank) or a 1 (Notes Recorded)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_M_SUMMARY", "dataType": "char(30)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is Post Mortem Summary (Free text Field)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGED_BABY_DATE", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates discharge date of baby ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGED_BABY_TO", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents where the baby was discharged to is defined using a number between 0-5. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGED_M_TO", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates where the Mother was discharged to is defined using a number between 0-5. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "FOLLOW_UP", "dataType": "char(30)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the follow up appointment date and location ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "RISK_CATEGORY", "dataType": "char(30)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the risk category (Free Text Field)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_M_CLASSIFICATION", "dataType": "char(30)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is Post Mortem Classification (Free Text field)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PLACENTA_LBS", "dataType": "tinyint", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates placenta weight in pounds." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PLACENTA_OZ", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the placenta weight in additional ounces." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PLACENTA_G", "dataType": "real", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the placenta total weight in grams." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_CALCIFIED", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates calcified placenta (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_INFARCTED", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates placental infarction (necrosis in part of the placenta) (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_RETROP_CLOT", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a retroplacental clot (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_MEMB_RAGGED", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the membranes ragged (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium ) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_MEMB_DOUBTFUL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the membranes doubtful (unclear if they are complete) (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_MEMB_COMPLETE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "Placenta membrane complete (P_C_M - Placenta) Defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_PLAC_INCOMPLETE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the placenta is incomplete (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_PLAC_DOUBTFUL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates if the placenta is doubtful (unclear if it is complete) (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_PLAC_COMPLETE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates Placenta complete (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_CIRCUMVALLATE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates circumvallate placenta (ridge on the fetal surface of the placenta) (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "P_C_M_BATTLEDORE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the insertion of the cord into the edge of the placenta - battledore (P_C_M - Placenta Conditioned Medium) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_MOTHER_O", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the mothers blood group O The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_MOTHER_A", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the mothers blood group A The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_MOTHER_B", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the mothers blood group B The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_MOTHER_AB", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the mothers blood group AB The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_MOTHER_OTHER", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the mothers Blood group The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_MOTHER_DNEG", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the mothers blood group D negative The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_FATHER_O", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the fathers Blood group O The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_FATHER_A", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the fathers Blood group A The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_FATHER_B", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the fathers Blood group B The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_FATHER_AB", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the fathers Blood group AB The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_FATHER_OTHER", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the fathers Blood group The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_FATHER_DPOS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the fathers Blood group D Positive The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BLOOD_GROUP_FATHER_HOMOZ", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the fathers Blood group The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_SURGERY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates miscellaneous surgery The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ADMITTED_AFTER_BIRTH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents admission after birth The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ADMITTED_SPEC_NURSERY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents admission to speciality nursery The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "FEED_BREAST", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates breaat fed which is the feed at end of first week/on discharge whichever is last. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "FEED_ARTIFICIAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates formulae fed which is the feed at end of first week/on discharge whichever is last. Defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BIRTH_NORMAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a normal birth The data defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BIRTH_SL_ASPHYXIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates slight asphyxia The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BIRTH_SEV_ASPHYXIA", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates severe asphyxia at birth The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_HB_LESS_14P8G", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates Haemaglobin under 14P8G The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_JAUNDICE_LESS_10MG", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates jaundice in baby < 10mg The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_JAUNDICE_GREATER_10MG", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates jaundice in baby > 10mg The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_PYREXIA_GREATER_100", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates pyrexia > 100 The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_VOMIT_DEHYD", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates vomiting and dehydration The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_IC_LESION", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates intracerebral lesion The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_CEPHALAHAEM", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates cephalhaematoma (swelling on baby head filled with blood) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_BLEEDING", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates bleeding. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_RESP_DIST", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates respiratory distress The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_INFECT_MILD", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates mild infection The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_INFECT_SEV", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates severe infection The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MAL_CNS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates Central Nervous System Malformation (CNS) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MAL_LIMBS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates malformation of limbs The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MAL_MULTIPLE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates multiple malformation. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MAL_METABOLIC", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates metabolic malformation The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MAL_CHROMOSOMAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates chromosomal malformation. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MAL_OTHER", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates 'Other' malformation. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNUM_1", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the current pregnancy number (First) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNUM_2", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the current pregnancy number (Second) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNUM_3", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the current pregnancy number (Third) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNUM_4_PLUS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the current pregnancy number (Fourth) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PREGNUM_INCL_ABORTS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the Pregnum 1/2/3/4 includes aborts The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HSC_1_2", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the husbands social class (HSC) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HSC_3", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the husbands social class (HSC) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HSC_4_5", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the husbands social class (HSC) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HSC_DOUBT", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the husbands social class (HSC) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ADDR_DUNDEE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates whether the address is in Dundee. This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ADDR_ANGUS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates whether the address is in Angus. This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ADDR_OTHER", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This data indicates whether the address is outwith Tayside and Angus. This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BOOKED_HOSPITAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates booked hospital The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BOOKED_OTHER", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates an 'Other' booking (Domiciliary, GP) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BOOKED_EMERGENCY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a booked emergency The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DEL_DRI", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates delivery at DRI The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DEL_MARYFIELD", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates delivery at Maryfield The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DEL_DISTRICT", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates delivery district The data defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DEL_ELSEWHERE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates delivery 'elsewhere' The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "RISK", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates risk The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HANDICAP", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a handicap The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HISTORY_DIFF_LAB", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a history of difficult labour The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HISTORY_SB_NND", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the history of still birth or neonatal death The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HISTORY_GYN_OP", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates history of gynecological operation The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "HISTORY_INFERT_INVEST", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the history of infertility investigation the data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INC_THYROID", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates incidental thyroid The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INC_CARDIAC", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates incidental cardiac occurance The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INC_DIABETES", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates incidental diabetes The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INC_OTHER", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates incidental 'Other' The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "INC_RISK_EXP", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates incidental risk exposure. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "GEN_HB_LESS_11G", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates Anaemia - Haemoglobin under 11gm The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "GEN_MEGABLASTIC", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates megaloblastic anaemia (folic acid deficiency) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "GEN_VV_THROMB_EMB", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates thrombosis or varicose veins or embolus The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "GEN_URINARY_INF", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a urinary infection The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "GEN_BLOOD_TRANS_OR_OTHER_IVI", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a general blood transfusion or other IV infusion The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "GEN_PELVIMETRY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a pelvimetry The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "GEN_OTHER_OPS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates 'Other' operations The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANA_GENERAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates whether a general anaesthetic was used. This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANA_LOCAL_SPINAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates whether a Spinal anaesthetic (Epidural) was used. This data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANTE_NATAL_ADMISSION", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents antenatal admission The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANTE_NATAL_HAEM_LESS_29WKS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates anaemia before 29 weeks The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANTE_NATAL_APH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents antepartum haemorrhage The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANTE_NATAL_HBP", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates Antenatal high blood pressure. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True) ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANTE_NATAL_ALB_OED", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents an albumin (protein) or oedema (both signs of pre-eclampsia) The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANTE_NATAL_HYDRAM_EXS_VOMITING", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates Hydramnios The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANTE_NATAL_VERSION", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates version/turning of the baby The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "ANTE_NATAL_MULTIPLE", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates multiple pregnancy The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_ARM", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates artifical rupture of membranes The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_PITOCIN_DRIP", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates pitocin/oxytocin drip The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "OP_CAESAREAN", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates a caesarean The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_FORCEPS_VENT", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the use of forceps or ventouse The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PR_BREECH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates breech presentation The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_OTHER_DIFF", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates 'other' difficulties The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_PROL_TANGLE_CORD", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates prolapse or tangled cord the data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_RET_PLAC_PPH", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates retained placenta/postpartum haemorrhage The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_TEARS_EPIS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates perineal trauma - tear or episiotomy The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_FOETAL_DISTRESS", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates foetal distress The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MISC_MORBID", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates Morbidity The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PU_GENITAL", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the genital puerperium. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PU_BREAST", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the breast puerperium. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "PU_RESPIRATORY", "dataType": "bit", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field indicates the repiratory puerperium. The data is defined by either a 0 (False) or a 1 (True)." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "PLACE_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the lookup description for Place of birth.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "MORTALITY_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the lookup description for Mortality. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "GESTATION_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the description for Gestation.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "DELIVERY_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(25)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the description for Delivery type.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "COMPLICATIONS_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(25)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the description for Complications.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "COMPLICATIONS_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(25)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the lookup description for Complication. ." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 1 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "POSITION_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the lookup description for Position.." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "COMPLICATIONS_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(25)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is the lookup value for complications." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "POSITION_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the lookup value for position." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "RELIGION_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the lookup value for religion." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "BABY_FEEDING_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the lookup value for Baby Feeding." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGE_BABY_FEEDING_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is the lookup value for Discharge baby feeding." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "MED_EXAM_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the lookup value for Medicval Exam." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "SPECIAL_NURSERY_NOTES_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the lookup value for special nursery notes." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGED_BABY_TO_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the lookup value for Discharge Baby To." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Card 2 Large", "columns": [ { "name": "DISCHARGED_M_TO_Desc", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the lookup value for Discharge Mother To." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966. The CHI has been identified for 34,183 babies, 15,581 mothers and 9,664 fathers enabling record linkage to other HIC datasets." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "SIBLING_ID_FLAG", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is used for the GoDarts extract to highlight those present id's but field may be null as not in dataset." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_ID_FLAG", "dataType": "varchar(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is used for the GoDarts extract to highlight those present id's but field may be null as not in dataset." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "B_ID_Flag", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is used for the GoDarts extract to highlight those present id's but field may be null as not in dataset." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "F_ID_FLAG", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is used for the GoDarts extract to highlight those present id's but field may be null as not in dataset." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "M_ID_FLAG", "dataType": "char(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is used for the GoDarts extract to highlight those present id's but field may be null as not in dataset." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Births Without Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "ID", "dataType": "numeric(18,0)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is a sequential number for internal purposes." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee between 1952 and 1966." }, { "name": "Walker Card 0 Small", "columns": [ { "name": "id", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is a sequential number for internal purposes." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee. This dataset focuses on Card Type 0 which is for the period1952-1959" }, { "name": "Walker Births With Cards", "columns": [ { "name": "ID", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is a sequential number for internal purposes." } ], "description": "The Walker cohort is a database of over 48,000 birth records containing information on pregnancy, labour, birth and care before discharge for babies born in hospital in Dundee, Scotland between 1952 and 1966." } ] }
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Additional information
Geographic AreaScotland
Related resources
No information available
Requesting access to this data
This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.
PublisherHealth Informatics Centre - University of Dundee
Synthetic data
Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset.
Key Details
Formal release or publication date11/11/2021
Start time period of data covered by this dataset01/01/1952
End time period of data covered by this dataset31/12/1966
DocumentationNo information available
Geographic AreaUnited Kingdom,Scotland,Tayside Region
Landing page
The dataset typePHYSICAL
Update frequencystatic