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Unscheduled Care
This data originates from the Ad Astra system.
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{ "summary": { "title": "Unscheduled Care", "abstract": "This data originates from the Ad Astra system.", "keywords": "COVID-19;,;unscheduled;,;OOH;,;NHS24;,;HIC;,;SCOTLAND", "publisher": { "name": "Health Informatics Centre - University of Dundee", "gatewayId": "5baa31c1-0280-4482-b8b7-a4953869f184" }, "inPipeline": "Not available", "shortTitle": "Unscheduled Care", "datasetType": "Health and disease", "description": "Feed was initially set up in May 2020 to cover COVID-19 epademic as this system was used within the emergency COVID hubs that were set up prior to being admitted to hospital.\nFeed included 2 years of back data, from January 2019 onwards.\nData Dictionary and other ISD documentation here:", "contactPoint": "", "datasetSubType": "Not applicable", "populationSize": 275098 }, "coverage": { "pathway": "Secondary care records for Tayside and Fife", "spatial": "United Kingdom,Scotland", "followUp": "Unknown", "typicalAgeRange": "0-150" }, "required": { "issued": "2024-10-08T11:28:28.60173Z", "version": "1.0.0", "modified": "2024-10-08T11:28:28.601742Z", "gatewayId": "107", "revisions": [ { "url": "", "version": "1.0.0" } ], "gatewayPid": "c8fe0ee9-0bf9-495e-8ae5-8a5ca5494ab2" }, "provenance": { "origin": { "source": "Other", "purpose": "Disease registry", "imageContrast": "Not stated", "collectionSituation": "Other" }, "temporal": { "timeLag": "Not applicable", "startDate": "2018-01-01", "accrualPeriodicity": "Continuous", "distributionReleaseDate": "2022-05-19" } }, "observations": [ { "observedNode": "Persons", "measuredValue": 275098, "observationDate": "2022-05-19", "measuredProperty": "COUNT", "disambiguatingDescription": "275098 persons in this dataset" }, { "observedNode": "Events", "measuredValue": 841576, "observationDate": "2022-05-19", "measuredProperty": "Count", "disambiguatingDescription": "841,576 events in this dataset" } ], "accessibility": { "usage": { "resourceCreator": { "name": "NHS Fife and Tayside" }, "dataUseLimitation": "General research use", "dataUseRequirement": "Disclosure control" }, "access": { "accessRights": "", "jurisdiction": "GB-SCT", "accessService": "HIC has implemented a remote-access Trusted Research Environment to protect data confidentiality, satisfy public concerns about data loss and reassure Data Controllers about HIC’s secure management and processing of their data.\n\nData is not released externally to data users for analysis on their own computers but placed on a server at HIC, within a restricted, secure IT environment, where the data user is given secure remote access to carry out their analysis.\n\nFull details are available via the following link:\n", "dataProcessor": "University of Dundee, Health Informatics Centre", "dataController": "Local NHS boards", "deliveryLeadTime": "Not applicable", "accessRequestCost": "Quotation available on request", "accessServiceCategory": "TRE/SDE" }, "formatAndStandards": { "formats": "Database", "languages": "en", "vocabularyEncodingSchemes": "LOCAL" } }, "structuralMetadata": [ { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "PROCHI", "dataType": "varchar(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Anonymised patient identifier" } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "chi_number", "dataType": "varchar(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "call_id", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "this field represents the unique call id and is anonymised on release." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "call_received_date_time", "dataType": "varchar(15)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Raw data - the date column for the dataset, but as a VARCHAR - replaced by date_call_received which is a proper date column and is set during load." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "call_outcome_code", "dataType": "varchar(5)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the call outcome by code." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "call_outcome_description", "dataType": "nvarchar(94)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the descriptive value for the call outcome code." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "call_outcome_group", "dataType": "varchar(40)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the call outcome group. the data is defined by: 999 A&E DENTAL GP TELEPHONE ADVICE HOME VISIT NO PARTNER ACTION OTHER PARTNER ACTION PCEC PRE-PRIORITISED ." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "patient_date_of_birth", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "patient_gender", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "patient_gender_description", "dataType": "varchar(9)", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "postcode", "dataType": "varchar(7)", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "protocol", "dataType": "varchar(60)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Diagnosis The final algorithm title, which is a free text field detailing the indicator of patient’s present symptoms.." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "call_reason", "dataType": "varchar(301)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the reason for contact." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "call_origin_code", "dataType": "varchar(4)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the call origin code." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "call_origin_description", "dataType": "varchar(33)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is the descriptive field linked to the call origin id." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "service_provider_hb_code_9_0", "dataType": "varchar(9)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the healthboard number." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "service_provider_hb_name", "dataType": "varchar(11)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the healthboard name attributed to the healthboard number.." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "covid19_flag", "dataType": "varchar(1)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether the person has covid or not. The data is defined by NULL, Y or N." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "cup_id", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "A Continuous Urgent Care Pathway (CUP) is an unbroken time that a person spends in a series of emergency/urgent care services which occur within 24 hours of each other. This id is anonymised on extraction." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "cup_no", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "A Continuous Urgent Care Pathway (CUP) is an unbroken time that a person spends in a series of emergency/urgent care services which occur within 24 hours of each other." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "episode_within_cup", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents a numerical episode number within Continuous Urgent Care Pathway (CUP)." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "date_call_received", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the date the call was received." } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "hic_dataLoadRunID", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - NHS24", "columns": [ { "name": "hic_validFrom", "dataType": "datetime2", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "NHS24 Data from Unscheduled Care Data Mart" }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "chi_number", "dataType": "varchar(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "PROCHI", "dataType": "varchar(10)", "sensitive": false, "description": "Anonymised patient identifier" } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "record_id", "dataType": "varchar(20)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the record number. This is anonymised on release." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "ooh_guid", "dataType": "varchar(36)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the Out Of Hours Unique Case Reference ID. This is anonymised on output." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "patient_gender_code", "dataType": "varchar(1)", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "patient_gender_description", "dataType": "varchar(9)", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "patient_date_of_birth", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "postcode_of_residence", "dataType": "varchar(7)", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "gp_practice_code", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "hb_of_treatment_code_9", "dataType": "varchar(9)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the health board treatment code." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "hb_of_treatment_name", "dataType": "varchar(11)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is the descriptive column for the code_9." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "call_id_nhs24", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the the NHS call id. This field is anonymised on output." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "referral_source", "dataType": "varchar(47)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the source of the referral The data is defined by: A&E FAMILY MEMBER/NEIGHBOUR/FRIEND/MEMBER OF PUBLIC HCP - CHEMIST/PHARMACIST HCP - CPN/DISTRICT NURSE/MIDWIFE HCP - DOCTOR (GP) HCP - HOSPITAL HCP - LABORATORY HCP - NURSE HCP - NURSING HOME/CARE HOME/RESIDENTIAL HOME HCP - OTHER HCP HCP - OTHER OOH SERVICE MIU NHS 24 OTHER PATIENT IS CALLER POLICE/PRISON SAS SOCIAL SERVICES WALK-IN ." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "triaged_by", "dataType": "varchar(16)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the department that triaged the contact The data is defined by: NHS 24 NHS 24 UNTRIAGED OOH CENTRE STAFF OTHER ." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "diagnosis_code", "dataType": "varchar(5)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the diagnosis code given." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "diagnosis_description", "dataType": "varchar(77)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field is the descriptive field for the diagnosis code." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "case_outcome", "dataType": "varchar(55)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the outcome of the contact/case. The data is defined by: 999/AMBULANCE ADVISED TO CONTACT OWN GP SURGERY/GP TO CONTACT PATIENT DEATH EMERGENCY ADMISSION OTHER REFERRED TO A&E REFERRED TO CPN/DISTRICT NURSE/MIDWIFE REFERRED TO MIU REFERRED TO SOCIAL SERVICES TREATMENT COMPLETED AT OOH/DISCHARGED/NO FOLLOW-UP ." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "home_visit", "dataType": "varchar(1)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents whether a home visit was required. The data is defined by Y or N." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "pcec_pcc_consultation", "dataType": "varchar(1)", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents Primary Care Emergency Centre consultation. The data is defined with Y or N." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "date_contact_start", "dataType": "datetime", "sensitive": false, "description": "This field represents the date and time of contact." } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "hic_dataLoadRunID", "dataType": "int", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." }, { "name": "COVID19 - Unscheduled Care - GP Out Of Hours (OOH)", "columns": [ { "name": "hic_validFrom", "dataType": "datetime2", "sensitive": false, "description": "No Column Description Available" } ], "description": "GP Out of hours data supplied by PHS." } ] }
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Additional information
Geographic AreaScotland
Related resources
No information available
Requesting access to this data
This is a secure dataset that can only be accessed by researchers from approved organisations.
PublisherHealth Informatics Centre - University of Dundee
Synthetic data
Synthetic data is not yet available for this dataset.
Key Details
Formal release or publication date19/05/2022
Start time period of data covered by this dataset01/01/2018
End time period of data covered by this datasetNo information available
DocumentationFeed was initially set up in May 2020 to cover COVID-19 epademic as this system was used within the emergency COVID hubs that were set up prior to being admitted to hospital. Feed included 2 years of back data, from January 2019 onwards. Data Dictionary and other ISD documentation here:
Geographic AreaUnited Kingdom,Scotland
Landing page
The dataset typePHYSICAL
Update frequencycontinuous