How RDS works with eDRIS
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Find out more about trusted research environments (TREs) in Scotland and their services.
Trusted Research Environments, or TREs, are highly secure computing environments through which approved researchers can access de-identified data and work on approved projects of public benefit. Within Scotland, TREs are often referred to as data safe havens while in other nations, TREs are sometimes known as secure data environments.
TREs provide a single location for researchers to access datasets securely and perform their analysis using a range of software and tools. This enables secure, efficient, collaborative and cost-effective research. Data cannot be downloaded or extracted from TREs and must be analysed within the TRE’s secure environment. By making datasets available through a TRE, members of the public can be confident that their personal data will be accessed in a secure way that ensures their privacy is protected.
More information about TREs is available through HDR UK. Head over to our “research data security” page to read more about how data is safeguarded using the Five Safes Framework both within TREs and in wider research practices involving the use of public sector data.
Learn more about how data is kept secure in Trusted Research Environments by watching the short video below. This animation was co-developed by RDS and award-winning production agency media co-op, supported by funding from Health Data Research UK (HDR UK) and the Medical Research Council (MRC):
Click here to watch this video with British Sign Language (BSL) interpretation.
The Scottish National Safe Haven (NSH) is a governed TRE for accredited researchers to work on approved projects of public benefit using sensitive data. The NSH secure infrastructure is operated by the University of Edinburgh’s EPCC and the service is controlled by Public Health Scotland (PHS) with the oversight of Scotland's Public Benefit and Privacy Panel. The eDRIS team within PHS supports researchers with applying for permissions and access to secure public sector data within the Scottish NSH.
The Scottish NSH offers a high-powered computing service, secure analytic environment, and secure file transfer. A range of analytic software is available to users, including:
Additional software cannot be uploaded to the National Safe Haven at this time. eDRIS is working with EPCC on a mechanism which will allow researchers to develop their own research environment with additional software.
Most projects using population level Scottish data store their data in the NSH. For studies involving health data, researchers can access data securely through the NSH or any of the four accredited regional safe havens below. For studies not involving health data, it is expected that all users will be asked to use the Scottish NSH.
Find out more about using the Scottish National Safe Haven on the eDRIS website.
The agreed principles and standards to which the regional safe havens are required to operate are set out in the Charter for Safe Havens in Scotland (2015). There are four Scottish regional safe havens (TREs), which provide access to local health data:
More information on the services offered through each regional safe haven (for example, data linkage) is available on the individual websites listed above. Other data centres across the UK provide their own TREs, for example the Office for National Statistics (ONS) Secure Research Service and the UK Data Service Secure Lab.
To gain access to a TRE, researchers must have appropriate approvals in place for their projects and must be named in the data access application and/or data sharing agreement. Access to TREs will vary on a case-by-case basis depending on the types of datasets a researcher requests as well as the associated permissions. eDRIS will assist researchers with access to the appropriate TRE.
Approval for accessing TREs will depend on the data a researcher has requested. In Scotland, approvals are commonly sought via:
Approval is granted through either an approval letter or a Data Sharing Agreement clearly stating that the data controller is willing to share the data with the researcher.
Subject to gaining the necessary approvals, there are various options for researchers to gain secure access to datasets remotely through digital safe settings – controlled online portals with enhanced security measures to prevent unauthorised use. In some cases, researchers will be granted remote access to a TRE using a virtual private network (VPN), with additional security measures including a two-factor authentication process to confirm the researcher’s identity before they can access data.
Remote access methods and requirements will vary between TREs and will depend on the nature of the research project and the data required. For more details on remote access, please contact the eDRIS support team or relevant TRE.
Subject to gaining the necessary approvals, there are several options for researchers to gain physical access to TREs through safe settings – secure facilities that prevent unauthorised use. Physical access will depend on the types of provisions available and how services are set up within a specific TRE.
A data controller may require that their data is only accessed through a secure access point to ensure data security. A secure access point is a dedicated computer in a physically secure area where no external devices can be used or connected. The secure access point does not connect to the internet, nor can it be accessed remotely.
Several institutions across the UK provide researchers with secure data access via the SafePod Network, which deploys standardised SafePods, a type of safe setting. While eDRIS is in the process of registering the Scottish NSH with the SafePod Network to increase the number of data access points, you can view which institutions currently provide SafePod access through the SafePod Network website.
TREs are operated by trained staff who provide researchers with a range of technical support. The support on offer will vary between TREs and may include:
The eDRIS team within PHS supports researchers applying to access secure Scottish datasets. eDRIS Research Coordinators will guide researchers on using the appropriate TRE for the data they require.
PHS operates a cost recovery model for the eDRIS team to deliver its services. For more information about access charges, please see eDRIS’s costs of service information.
Discover how we work together with our eDRIS colleagues to provide data access support.
Discover key principles and legal considerations of information governance (IG) when accessing data.
Find help for navigating data security as you work with secure and sensitive data for your research project.
Find details on approved organisations in the UK, mandatory training for researchers and additional requirements.
Learn about the concept of public good and how research projects must deliver clear benefit to the public.
Our list of common terms will help you understand more about how public sector data is used for research.