You must be affiliated with an approved organisation, currently restricted to public sector organisations (e.g. universities, NHS, local authorities and the Scottish Government), throughout your research project. Researchers from other organisations can partner with an approved institution or the eDRIS team for analyses to be carried out on their behalf.
Accredited Researcher Number
Becoming a full accredited researcher under the Digital Economy Act 2017 (DEA) allows researchers to carry out analysis and produce outputs on projects in an Trusted Research Environment such as the Secure Research Service (SRS). Researchers accredited through the Office for National Statistics (ONS) are given an Accredited Researcher Number.
Administrative Data
Administrative data is information created when people interact with public services, such as schools, the NHS, courts or the benefits system. This data is collated by the government and also includes basic information about people in the UK, for example notifications of births, deaths and marriages, the electoral register, and national censuses.
- Watch this video from ADR UK to find out more about administrative data
Administrative Data Research Scotland (ADR Scotland)
ADR Scotland is a partnership between the Scottish Centre for Administrative Data Research (SCADR) and Scottish Government (SG) with a vision to support researchers and data controllers to share data efficiently and effectively for the public good.
Administrative Data Research UK (ADR UK)
A UK-wide partnership transforming the way researchers use and link public sector data to enable better informed policy. ADR UK is funded by ESRC/UKRI.