How RDS works with eDRIS
Discover how we work together with our eDRIS colleagues to provide data access support.
Learn about the concept of public good and what evidence researchers must submit to show that their research will benefit the public.
When we refer to ‘public good’, also known as public benefit, it means that there should be some ‘net good’ accruing to the public; it has both a benefit aspect and a public aspect. The benefit aspect requires the achievement of good, not outweighed by any associated risk.
Good is interpreted in a broad and flexible manner and can be direct, indirect, immediate, or long-term. Benefit needs to be identifiable, even if it cannot be immediately quantified or measured. The public aspect requires demonstrable benefit to accrue to the public, or a section of the public.
Further information can be found on this blog post by the National Data Guardian.
Data must be used ethically, for research that delivers clear public benefit.
As part of their application for data access, researchers are required to complete a statement about the public good they expect their research project to deliver. Should their access request be approved, this statement will be featured on the public Data Use Register. Members of the public can read about how each project will benefit them on the Data Use Register.
For access to data to be granted, researchers need to demonstrate that their proposal has been peer reviewed and that a suitable authority has considered their use of the data to be ethical. Researchers must also publish their results to enable use, scrutiny, and further research.
This is a key component of The Five Safes framework, a set of principles which enable data services to provide safe research access to data. These principles relate to data, projects, people, settings, and outputs.
All applications for access to data must conform to the principles in the Five Safes framework.
Users are led through a multi-stage process and must submit evidence to show that:
1. Their application meets all the required criteria, which includes:
2. They understand the implications of breaching the user agreement that forms part of the application process.
On the specific question of public good, users are asked to describe the area of public good their application aligns with and provide a statement of benefits. These are listed below for reference.
A designated RAS Approval Panel is responsible for assuring that the required evidence is in place. The panel will check that the area(s) of public good the researcher has selected align with their statement of public good and the application as a whole, and that the benefits stated are clear and unambiguous.
If there is any doubt, the approvers can query what has been submitted, or choose to reject the application.
Researchers are asked to align their research project with one or more of the following areas:
Further information on public good can be found on this blog post by the National Data Guardian.
Find out more about the application process for the Public Benefit and Privacy Panel for Health and Social Care (HSC-PBPP) and the Statistics Public Benefit and Privacy Panel (S-PBPP).
Complete our pre-application checklist to understand what is involved in a data access request and how to compete the enquiry form.
Discover how we work together with our eDRIS colleagues to provide data access support.
Discover key principles and legal considerations of information governance (IG) when accessing data.
There are a range of trusted research environments (TREs) in Scotland providing access to secure data.
Find help for navigating data security as you work with secure and sensitive data for your research project.
Find details on approved organisations in the UK, mandatory training for researchers and additional requirements.
Our list of common terms will help you understand more about how public sector data is used for research.