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Find details on the Board that oversees Research Data Scotland's work, our subcommittees and our history.

How are we governed?

Research Data Scotland (RDS) is a company limited by guarantee (SC677016) and a not-for-profit independent charitable organisation under the Office of the Scottish Charity Regulator (SC051305).

Governed by our Board of Directors/Trustees, we are committed to providing our users and the public with accurate and timely information on our actions, policies, decisions, programmes and initiatives. To honour our commitment to transparency and accountability, our Board meeting minutes and terms of reference are published below, along with our Full Business Case and details of our subcommittees. 

Board of Directors/Trustees 

Our Board comprises up to ten charity trustees with additional advisors. It is responsible for the effective governance and development of RDS. The Board meets quarterly and supports RDS's directors in adopting the right long-term strategy and priorities, assesses company performance, monitors key risks and ensures resources are managed effectively.

Our Board members use their influence to support RDS in achieving its mission and bring diverse skills and expertise to guide our work.

Finance, Audit and Risk subcommittee 

The Finance, Audit and Risk subcommittee monitors all financial matters, ensures regular review of the company’s internal financial and risk management controls, advises on organisational risks, oversees external audit processes, and reports to the Board on how it has discharged its responsibilities.  

The subcommittee comprises two Board members and, with the agreement of the Board, may co-opt one other member. These three committee members meet with the RDS Charity Operations Director and the RDS Finance Manager in an ex officio capacity. The RDS Business Manager is expected to attend in order to provide up to date information and prepare meeting minutes. The Office Assistant may attend if the Business Manager is unavailable.

Remuneration and Nomination subcommittee 

The Remuneration and Nomination subcommittee holds responsibility for determining the policy for remuneration and all relevant classifications of staff/employees. It also leads the process for appointments, ensures plans are in place for orderly succession to both the Board and senior management positions, and oversees the development of a diverse pipeline for succession.  

The subcommittee comprises three members of the RDS Board, one of whom is the Chair of the Board. The Chair of the Board does not hold the post of Chair of the Remuneration and Nomination subcommittee. The RDS Chief Executive Officer attends meetings of the Remuneration and Nomination subcommittee, but is not present for any discussions about staff remuneration. The RDS Business Manager will also attend Remuneration and Nomination subcommittee meetings.

Scottish Government funding and support 

Created and funded by the Scottish Government, RDS contributes to Scotland’s vision of a successful, fair and green economy.  

The Government’s Programme for Scotland 2019-2020 establishes the government’s aims for Scotland’s economy, particularly in the area of data-driven innovation. Chapter 2 of the Programme for Government sheds light on the factors that led to RDS’s creation. 

The RDS Full Business Case sets out proposals for the establishment of RDS as a new national service intended to save time, money and lives by improving access to linkage ready public sector datasets for research in the public interest. 

Governance documents

Browse and download key governance documents from RDS including board minutes, registers of interests and terms of reference.

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More about RDS

Planning session using large white paper and post-it notes

Our strategy and business plan

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MIxed-up thin green Lego blocks

Our partners

We work with the Scottish Government and Scotland’s leading academic and public bodies. 

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Five laptops viewed from above

Working with us

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